STF 1622 AB: 203; 205x: 2 CVn Very pretty orange and blue stars, ~3 delta mag, wide. (not physical)
12H 16M 07.55S +40° 39' 36.6" P.A. 260 SEP 12.1 MAG 5.86,8.71 SP M1III+F7V DIST. 236.41 PC (771.17 L.Y.)
HO 260 AB: 203; 205x: Close pair, nicely split ~2", ~1 delta mag, light orange stars
13H 23M 32.82S +29° 14' 15.0" P.A. 88.5 SEP 1.68 MAG 9.60,9.94 SP M0+M0.5 DIST. 18.82 PC (61.39 L.Y.)
HLM 5 AB: 203; 205x: White stars, well split ~6", about one delta. Surprised this was not discovered until 1901 by amateur British astronomer Edwin Holmes, who was a "seller of glass" and made his own 12-inch Newtonian. Apparently he was strongly opinionated and argued for the use of reflectors over refractors for their large aperture at low cost.
13H 31M 00.44S +36° 26' 27.7" P.A. 161 SEP 6.1 MAG 10.13,10.86 DIST. 32.46 PC (105.88 L.Y.)
HJ 2659: I did not split this, the secondary is too faint at 14th mag. However the field of view at 205x revealed a mini coat hanger asterism. HJ 2659A is the bright star at the center.
BU 933 AB: 203; 205x: Very fine pair, blue-white A, white B, ~3" ~2 delta.
13H 34M 34.66S +33° 08' 08.7" P.A. 23 SEP 2.8 MAG 9.04,9.69 SP F8 DIST. 116.96 PC (381.52 L.Y.)
STF 1776 AB: 203; 205x: Near equal white stars, wide
13H 41M 47.70S +46° 13' 11.2" P.A. 18 SEP 7.3 MAG 9.36,9.37 SP G0+G0 DIST. 152.21 PC (496.51 L.Y.)
STF 1786 AB: 203; 205x: ~1 delta mag, wide >10", white stars. Not physical
13H 49M 38.98S +34° 59' 18.1" P.A. 22 SEP 11 MAG 8.95,10.27 SP F8 DIST. 96.71 PC (315.47 L.Y.)
BU 613 Ba-Bb: 203; 333x: Very fine. Suspected at 205x but needed the larger scale at 333x. Clean split, near equal faint blue stars. A third wider star same mag and color further out (this is BU 613 BC, 10.34/10.68 45.9")
13H 51M 21.62S +34° 41' 03.9" P.A. 149 SEP 0.8 MAG 10.90,10.90 SP F8
BU 937 AB: 203; 205x: Nice pair, close ~1", white, about half delta mag
13H 57M 06.41S +34° 26' 04.9" P.A. 137 SEP 1.1 MAG 9.00,9.44 SP G0 DIST. 140.45 PC (458.15 L.Y.)
STF 1796 AB: 203; 205x: Nice white and blue, ~1 delta, ~2-3"
14H 00M 24.11S +36° 58' 09.3" P.A. 190 SEP 2.5 MAG 9.81,10.57 SP F8
STT 274 AB: 203; 205x: Bright white and ~3 delta mag B, wide, attractive. Not physical
14H 06M 41.61S +34° 46' 42.8" P.A. 51 SEP 12.9 MAG 7.13,10.47 SP G9III DIST. 127.39 PC (415.55 L.Y.)
STT 276 AB-C: 203; 205x: White and ~3 delta mag B, wide (need to re-observe, AB is 0.4")
14H 08M 11.84S +36° 44' 56.6" P.A. 72 SEP 9.5 MAG 8.48,10.62 SP G4III DIST. 201.21 PC (656.35 L.Y.)
STF 1818 AB: 203; 205x: ~1 delta mag white, wide, ~5"
14H 14M 16.33S +33° 55' 41.8" P.A. 330 SEP 5.4 MAG 9.01,10.24 SP G2III DIST. 72.78 PC (237.41 L.Y.)
STF 1848 AB: 203; 205x: White and very faint B, which is drawn out with foveal coaxing. ~3 delta and ~3". Nice
14H 27M 45.30S +32° 57' 02.9" P.A. 357 SEP 3.1 MAG 8.67,11.69 SP A3 DIST. 196.46 PC (640.85 L.Y.)
HU 1268 AB: 203; 533x: Notched elongation, white, near equal.
14H 29M 32.75S +36° 12' 26.0" P.A. 332.1 SEP 0.33 MAG 9.77,9.90 SP F5 DIST. 184.84 PC (602.95 L.Y.)
HU 904 AB: 203; 205x: B very close and faint, can see with foveal coaxing only but cant hold it direct.
14H 31M 09.93S +34° 25' 32.7" P.A. 172 SEP 1.9 MAG 10.02,11.74 SP F8
HJ 554 AB: 203; 205x: Near equal white wide
14H 32M 31.57S +34° 42' 09.5" P.A. 292 SEP 11.7 MAG 10.38,10.72 SP K0
STF 1858 AB: 203; 205x: Nice white pair, ~1.5 delta mag, wide ~5". (Check the orbit on this one! Oh to be alive in the 3530s to see B whip around A)
14H 33M 36.45S +35° 35' 08.0" P.A. 37.9 SEP 3.03 MAG 8.13,8.98 SP G5 DIST. 36.79 PC (120.01 L.Y.)
STF 1867 AB: 203; 533x: Hairline split best moments, noticeable mag difference.
14H 40M 44.21S +31° 17' 23.5" P.A. 352.3 SEP 0.64 MAG 8.36,8.83 SP F5 DIST. 116.96 PC (381.52 L.Y.)
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