Monday, October 5, 2020

4 october 2020

Out last night with the 20-inch.  Transparency started out very good, with a fortunate on-shore breeze to keep the wildfire smoke out of the sky.  Seeing wasn't quite as good as forecast, but serviceable -- it was good up to about 533x, so I chose to keep full aperture, but observed most of the time with the apodising mask.  With it getting dark so early now I observed from about 8:30pm to 11:30pm -- I was feeling tired and a marine haze was building.

STF 2379 AC: 508; 205x: I had strong visual color response, though the disks were somewhat bloated with seeing: A was blue-white, B was yellow-white, and C red-orange.  Colors were the same at 100x but the disks smaller.  With an 8-inch mask at 205x, the disks were tight and overall everything was fainter.  C was less red, more grey, and much fainter, so the color was not so strong and maybe would not be described as orange.
18H 46M 28.58S -00° 57' 41.9" P.A. 156 SEP 21.8 MAG 5.88,11.30 SP A2V

HDS2753 Aa-Ab: 508; 1067x: Component of STFA 41.  Snowman at all powers through 1067x, but it should really separate if 0.4".  Seeing is not up to the task, or the delta mag is too large.
19H 24M 22.08S +16° 56' 15.9" P.A. 138 SEP 0.4 MAG 6.32,10.31 SP A2III-IV DIST. 112.11 PC (365.7 L.Y.)

BOW 6 AB: 508; 205x: Nothing special, ~1 delta mag wide.  Not physical.  [W.M. Bowyer
19H 26M 32.98S +18° 37' 14.1" P.A. 309 SEP 7.2 MAG 10.80,12.50

BOW 7 AB: 508; 205x: Unremarkable wide pair, half delta mag.
19H 26M 25.50S +18° 38' 38.1" P.A. 251 SEP 9.6 MAG 10.38,11.00 SP F5

STF 2529 AB: 508; 205x: Dull yellow-white A and deeper orange yellow b, two delta, wide.  Not physical. 
19H 28M 04.99S +17° 38' 54.0" P.A. 298 SEP 6.7 MAG 8.62,10.15 SP K0

HU 340 AB: 508; 205x: Very finely split even at 205x, noticeable magnitude difference, slightly orange stars.  Something flew through the FOV during the observation, I thought it was a plane I see no lights,  maybe it was a goose?  No sounds 
19H 28M 21.65S +18° 29' 04.4" P.A. 118 SEP 0.9 MAG 9.80,10.26 SP F5

AG 231 AB: 508; 205x: Near equal pair, white, wide.  Physical
19H 29M 34.45S +17° 59' 46.9" P.A. 239 SEP 4.5 MAG 9.93,10.05 SP F8

J 137 AB: 508; 205x: Faint B ~5", ~2 delta.  Not physical
19H 30M 01.65S +18° 25' 55.8" P.A. 18 SEP 4.5 MAG 9.73,12.00 SP K0

STF 2536 AB: 508; 205x: Blue-white A and much fainter ~3 delta B, split close, dull orange color. Very fine.  Physical with 672.5 year period. 
19H 31M 37.80S +17° 46' 58.6" P.A. 126.7 SEP 1.7 MAG 8.40,11.38 SP G2V DIST. 50.1 PC (163.43 L.Y.)

GCB 43 AB: 508; 205x: Very faint pair, ~2 delta B is on the edge of direct vision, wide ~5", probably not physical.  M. Giacobini
19H 34M 18.03S +18° 40' 19.9" P.A. 264 SEP 7.5 MAG 9.95,11.90 SP A2

STT 375 AB: 508; 533x: Snowman at 205x, 333x, split with 533x, >1 delta mag, ~0.5".  A is orange-yellow and B is blue-white.  Physical with 682 year period, just coming apastron now.
19H 34M 37.45S +18° 07' 41.2" P.A. 188.8 SEP 0.6 MAG 7.72,8.88 SP G5 DIST. 233.64 PC (762.13 L.Y.)
HO 274 AB: 508; 205x: White A, B is quite faint but resolved, ~4", delicate looking.  Not physical.
19H 34M 55.37S +16° 27' 04.1" P.A. 71 SEP 3.9 MAG 8.34,11.10 SP F

BU 149 BC: 508; 205x: B seen easily, C is noticed with averted vision and then can direct.  Not physical.
19H 58M 05.54S +16° 29' 55.2" P.A. 202 SEP 8.1 MAG 10.33,12.90

COU 325 AB: 508; 205x: Very finely split with 333x, large delta mag, delicate pair
20H 04M 22.33S +17° 14' 33.0" P.A. 227 SEP 0.8 MAG 9.36,10.90 SP F5

J 1168 AB: 508; 333x: Very fine split, ~1 delta, <1", nice
20H 08M 12.46S +21° 06' 11.2" P.A. 192 SEP 0.9 MAG 10.09,10.73 SP F2 DIST. 454.55 PC (1482.74 L.Y.)

ROE 101 AB: 508; 205x: Unremarkable wide ~2 delta.  Not physical
20H 15M 36.94S +19° 58' 29.5" P.A. 53 SEP 12.7 MAG 8.38,9.60 SP G8III

COU 219 Aa-AB: 508; 667x: Nice split with seeing, ~1 delta mag, ~0.5".  A component of J 2308.
20H 17M 44.53S +20° 25' 23.0" P.A. 109 SEP 0.4 MAG 8.50,9.80 SP K2

HU 357 AB: 508; 205x: Blue-white A, B is very fine but nicely split, also bluish but much fainter.  Physical.
20H 18M 14.41S +18° 19' 41.5" P.A. 195 SEP 1.8 MAG 7.98,10.94 SP A3III DIST. 167.79 PC (547.33 L.Y.)

HU 359 AB: 508; 1067x: Elongation at 667x & 1067x, need best focus and seeing.
20H 20M 02.08S +18° 48' 19.8" P.A. 215 SEP 0.2 MAG 10.10,10.10 SP F2

STT 444 AB: 508; 205x: Easy pair, bright white A and three delta mag wide B.
21H 39M 04.16S +20° 36' 05.7" P.A. 277 SEP 8 MAG 8.06,11.19 SP F5 DIST. 303.95 PC (991.48 L.Y.)

AG 274 AB: 508; 205x: Easy, half delta mag, wide.  Physical
21H 39M 34.26S +23° 21' 35.1" P.A. 153 SEP 9.2 MAG 9.66,10.50 SP F8

LBU Aa-Ab: 508; 667x: Component of STF2818.  I have the sense of a star at about the correct  separation, it was round and did not look like a flare, seen only when A's diffraction settled to completely round, though it is glimpsed one once over a couple of minutes.  A is light orange.   This faint close B seems a little less than ninety degrees PA difference than the AB pair (Aa-Ab is 42 deg. 1985 measure, AB is 24 last measure 2015.  Last measure was the discovery 35 years ago, it needs another measure to see any movement.  It may have closed and not be detectable.  Difficult even with 1067x.  [J. Le Beau, however I can't find the original discovery publication.] 

HU 374 AB: 508; 1067x: Slightly notched elongation at 667x, strongly notched snowman at 1067x. Wants to split but wont.  It's listed as equal magnitude but it's my impression they are not, there's a noticeable magnitude difference, probably half a mag delta.  Physical with 130 year period, it is approaching apastron but will not make appreciable change in my time.  I made a sketched, and discovered how to disable tracking via SkyTools so I could better tell position angle. 
21H 43M 25.99S +23° 53' 05.4" P.A. 44.8 SEP 0.27 MAG 9.40,9.40 SP F5 DIST. 7142.86 PC (23300.01 L.Y.)

HO 467 AB: 508; 205x: Fine pair, bright white A and ~2 delta dull yellow B, close ~1".
21H 50M 37.14S +22° 15' 31.0" P.A. 221 SEP 2.6 MAG 8.10,10.30 SP K2

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