Wednesday, October 14, 2020

13 october 2020

Observed last night from 8:30 to 11pm, and only logged a dozen items or so.  Feels like I should have logged more.  I had some pointing accuracy issues with the Argo, and I felt more tired than usual, so it probably explains the slow pace.  There were a number of challenging pairs, and I do spend more time now changing eyepieces to find the minimum magnification to split.  Seeing was worse than forecasted, probably 6-7/10 when I was expecting >8.  I used 20-inch with the apodising mask on throughout.  And transparency was also less than ideal.  Still a nice night out.

HO 151 AB: 508; 205x Very fine pair, ~1.5", ~1 delta mag, nicely split white stars
21H 10M 55.45S +03° 51' 55.3" P.A. 17 SEP 1.6 MAG 9.67,10.02 SP F8

BRT2189 AB: 508; 205x: Well separated white stars, B seems ~1 delta mag.  Not physical, seems many of the BRT pairs are not.
21H 11M 55.84S +07° 09' 38.2" P.A. 273 SEP 6.5 MAG 10.40,11.40

BU 1501 AB: 508; 333x: Very fine faint pair, light orange stars, suspected with 205x, split nicely with 333x, ~1 delta mag.  Nice. 
21H 13M 07.66S +10° 27' 51.0" P.A. 211 SEP 1.1 MAG 10.96,11.27 SP F8

HEI 406 AB: 508; 533x: Split with seeing, faint pair, noticeable delta mag.  3/5 transparency hindering the observation.   
21H 14M 14.11S +12° 30' 34.6" P.A. 179 SEP 0.7 MAG 11.50,11.70

STT 535 AB: Del Equ. Attempted but not seen, 0.09" now, just recording this for future reference since it is at periastron, will separate to detectability in January 2023 - December 2024
21H 14M 28.81S +10° 00' 25.1" P.A. 200 SEP 0.31 MAG 5.19,5.52 SP F6V+F6V DIST. 18.49 PC (60.31 L.Y.)

BU 682 AB: 508; 205x: Bright light orange A, B is the finest, faintest point separated from A, emerges to view at best focus.  Burnham discovered with the 18.5-inch Dearborn refractor.
21H 14M 30.98S +04° 41' 22.9" P.A. 102 SEP 5.7 MAG 7.69,12.20 SP K4III DIST. 423.73 PC (1382.21 L.Y.)

BU 838 AB: 508; 205x: A is white, B is very lightly orange, very close >1", ~2 delta mag, nice pair.  Physical with a 1280 year period.  Burnham discovered with the 15.5-inch Washburn refractor at 1.29"
21H 20M 55.78S +03° 07' 05.6" P.A. 156.2 SEP 1.67 MAG 7.92,10.02 SP F8 DIST. 70.97 PC (231.5 L.Y.)

STT 435 AB: 508; 333x: Clean split, near equal, light orange stars.
21H 21M 23.70S +02° 53' 14.6" P.A. 239 SEP 0.7 MAG 8.31,8.20 SP K0 DIST. 198.81 PC (648.52 L.Y.)

HU 275 AB: 508; 667x: ! Suspected at 533x, hairline split 667x, light orange stars, near equal.  
21H 22M 28.64S +08° 27' 16.1" P.A. 56 SEP 0.4 MAG 9.46,9.54 SP K0 DIST. 418.41 PC (1364.85 L.Y.)

ALD 76 AB: 205x: ! Nice near equal stars, nicely separated outside the glow of a very bright white star.  Sadly not physical.
21H 22M 52.26S +06° 43' 56.6" P.A. 66 SEP 3 MAG 11.40,11.50

STF 2791 AB: 508; 205x: White stars, nicely separated ~3", ~1 delta mag.
21H 23M 43.59S +04° 21' 54.2" P.A. 104 SEP 2.9 MAG 8.92,9.28 SP F0 DIST. 220.75 PC (720.09 L.Y.)

BRT 1356 AB: 508; 205x: Nice pairing of ~2 delta mag stars, pretty wide.  Not physical
21H 23M 36.82S +10° 29' 39.6" P.A. 63 SEP 5.7 MAG 9.84,11.70 SP F5

TDT 2946 AB: 508; 533x: B appears much much fainter than the TDT data, ~1 one delta mag rather than 0.3, B is split within A's faint diffraction.   
21H 24M 26.28S +07° 39' 41.5" P.A. 54 SEP 0.4 MAG 10.33,10.60

BU 1217 AB: 508; 1067x: The best I get is a subtly notched elongation snowman through all powers. light orange stars.  Burnham discovered in 1890 at 0.61" with the Lick 36-inch, and says "A difficult pair, and therefore the change in angle requires verification."
22H 21M 01.80S +31° 18' 35.5" P.A. 219 SEP 0.3 MAG 7.91,9.48 SP K0 DIST. 206.19 PC (672.59 L.Y.)

HO 474 BC: 508; 205x: A is KX Peg, a bright light orange star.  The BC pair is very much fainter at edge of A's glow, the pair brightens with averted vision and shows itself to be double, half delta mag, wide ~4".  Very good catch, bluish stars.
22H 22M 35.97S +30° 21' 12.4" P.A. 14 SEP 2.7 MAG 12.00,12.20 DIST. 127.88 PC (417.14 L.Y.)

STF 2900 AB: 508; 533x: 33 Peg A is bright yellow and B is orange.  SkyTools data said 0.4" but it seems closer to 1" [this is correct / the current data], very large delta mag.  AB is physical with at 407 year period but will widen by 1" over the next 27 years.  CD is COU 139 and appears as a notched elongation at best moments all powers, though the clearest view is at 667x, noticeable magnitude difference.  
STF 2900 AB: 22H 23M 39.56S +20° 50' 54.0" P.A. 180.9 SEP 1.03 MAG 6.28,9.18 SP F7IV DIST. 33.7 PC (109.93 L.Y.)
COU 139 CD: 22H 23M 34.54S +20° 51' 48.5" P.A. 88 SEP 0.4 MAG 8.54,10.70 SP F0 DIST. 156.74 PC (511.29 L.Y.)

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