Finally a (relatively) clear night after weeks of clouds. Transparency was actually poor, 2/5, but seeing was a good 6-7/10. I used Big Blue to continue going after doubles in Perseus before it begins to set. 553x unless otherwise noted.
STT 51: Very fine clean split at the finest moments, which is once every 10 seconds. 0.5", equal mag.
03H 12M 57.08S +44° 17' 14.7" P.A. 349.9 SEP 0.53 MAG 8.51,8.74 SP G0 DIST. 115.61 PC (377.12 L.Y.)
ES 558: Yellow-orange star with very faint bluish companion, 5", 2-3 delta mag.
03H 06M 47.76S +45° 45' 02.8" SEP 8.5 MAG 7.65,10.62 SP B9 DIST. 170.36 PC (555.71 L.Y.)
BU 1293. Uncertain. Seems a brightening persistent on one side of the diffraction but nothing resolves when A resolves with seeing.
02H 54M 00.98S +47° 09' 39.2" P.A. 349 SEP 2 MAG 6.81,10.45 SP B9 DIST. 194.55 PC (634.62 L.Y.)
BU 521. Bulging heart shape (if seen from slightly below and to the side), even at 885x, but no split. Light yellow-orange. [somehow I thought the split was much closer]
02H 43M 01.98S +48° 15' 54.9" P.A. 162 SEP 5.3 MAG 6.28,11.60 SP G5II DIST. 400 PC (1304.8 L.Y.)
STT 48: Yellow-orange with bluish round haze above it; the haze brightens with seeing and averted vision but does not resolve to point even at 885x.
02H 53M 21.07S +48° 34' 11.9" P.A. 317 SEP 6.6 MAG 6.37,10.55 SP G5IAB: DIST. 540.54 PC (1763.24 L.Y.)
While using Alpha Persi to start a star hop I happened to switch magnifications back down to 553x and saw the star test image, which clearly showed bent and sagging edges indicative of tube currents and mirror thermal in-equilibrium. Sure enough, when I turned on the fan the image tightened up.
STF 388: Pretty blue and a little red pair, 1.5 delta mag. On the northern edge of Stock 1.
03H 28M 40.39S +50° 26' 10.8" P.A. 215 SEP 2.8 MAG 8.04,9.01 SP F0 DIST. 130.04 PC (424.19 L.Y.)
BU 1179: Uncertain but can't resolve even at 885x.
03H 29M 22.05S +49° 30' 32.2" P.A. 146 SEP 0.6 MAG 4.72,7.34 SP B3V DIST. 165.29 PC (539.18 L.Y.)
BU 787: Slightly orange star with B flashing to view with averted vision at 885x. 1". -- Checking the chart, turns out this faint one is not the pair. There is a slight distortion to A but not resolved.
03H 34M 12.97S +48° 37' 02.9" P.A. 294.3 SEP 4.8 MAG 7.38,11.90 SP B9.5V DIST. 261.1 PC (851.71 L.Y.)
STT 63: Nice white disk with slightly blue haze not resolved to point.
03H 48M 18.08S +50° 44' 12.4" P.A. 269 SEP 6.7 MAG 6.19,11.20 SP B8VNE DIST. 250.63 PC (817.56 L.Y.)
STT 68: Pretty, close split in finder. Nice & wide 1 delta mag in scope. [IQ Per; AB seen; AC too faint]
03H 59M 44.66S +48° 09' 04.6" P.A. 176 SEP 39.1 MAG 7.78,9.22 SP B9 DIST. 259.74 PC (847.27 L.Y.)
Sigma Orionis AB: Seeing too poor, transparency poor at this elevation. Trying to see the elongation in this, but not this night.
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