Friday, January 25, 2019

a few more in perseus

I had a short session out with Big Blue last night.  Seeing was rather poor so I abandoned the close double finders for the CDSA.  Most at 270x

STT 66: light orange equal magnitude, split with seeing, close ~1"
03H 52M 04.69S +40° 47' 50.7" P.A. 145 SEP 1 MAG 8.11,8.54 SP A2 DIST. 236.41 PC (771.17 L.Y.)

STT 64: Light orange star with 3-4 delta mag, ~3" separated companion; white [AB seen; four stars in system]
03H 49M 58.06S +23° 50' 55.3" P.A. 235 SEP 3.3 MAG 6.81,10.15 SP B9.5VP DIST. 146.84 PC (478.99 L.Y.)

STF 483: Yellow-orange star, very close, 1", 2 delta mag.
04H 04M 07.10S +39° 30' 35.0" P.A. 51.8 SEP 1.61 MAG 7.38,9.35 SP G5 DIST. 32.36 PC (105.56 L.Y.)

STF 3114: Pretty light yellow star with 2 delta mag orangish B, ~3"
04H 09M 10.26S +40° 09' 40.5" P.A. 158 SEP 2.9 MAG 7.71,9.59 SP F8V DIST. 61.35 PC (200.12 L.Y.)

BU 310: Nothing close in; my guess is the pair is one or both of two faint widly separated stars, makes a triangle.  A is light orange.
04H 22M 00.26S +39° 56' 03.3" P.A. 173 SEP 18.9 MAG 7.10,12.62 SP F8 DIST. 54.56 PC (177.97 L.Y.)

STT 531: May include the finder split; the fainter of these has another star split 4", 2-3 delta mag.  A bit hazy. [AC is the finder pair; AB is the closer pair]
04H 07M 34.35S +38° 04' 28.3" P.A. 350.2 SEP 2.58 MAG 7.32,9.69 SP K1V DIST. 20.38 PC (66.48 L.Y.)

STF 448: 2 delta mag 5" white and a little green-blue B?
03H 47M 52.66S +33° 35' 59.5" P.A. 13 SEP 3.5 MAG 6.68,9.36 SP B2.5V DIST. 325.73 PC (1062.53 L.Y.)

I spent some time looking at M45, then M42 in wide fields, then went over to Sirius to see if B was visible -- it was not, too hazy and maybe in diffraction spike.  So wrapped it up.

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