Thursday, December 21, 2017

some aries doubles

Had a brief but satisfying session with Big Blue last night, trying to restore my sanity after a stressful work week.  Transparency was 3/5, seeing 6/10, and cold, but it was satisfying nonetheless.  277x except for one observation.  I poked around at random a bit, noticing a lot of yellow and orange carbon stars in the area; they seem particularly dense in this area.

Gamma Ari = STF 180: equal yellow-white, wide, bright. [AB seen, 4 stars in system]
01H 53M 31.76S +19° 17' 38.6" P.A. 1 SEP 7.4 MAG 4.52,4.58 SP A1PSI+B9V DIST. 50.3 PC (164.08 L.Y.)

STF 240: Equal white ~9th mag, ~5"
02H 17M 15.74S +23° 52' 24.8" P.A. 53 SEP 4.8 MAG 8.32,8.60 SP F0 DIST. 111.86 PC (364.89 L.Y.)

Hjl 1019: New designation for me.  I assume the pair is a very wide separation, 1-2 delta mag star to the west-ish.  I tried to see something close to A but no luck. [Correct on the wide pairing; B is a 0.4" pair!]
02H 29M 13.68S +23° 28' 08.4" P.A. 323 SEP 217.1 MAG 6.10,9.61 SP A5M DIST. 95.24 PC (310.67 L.Y.)

STFA 5: Near equal light orange, very wide. [AB seen.  B has a C pair 0.6" and 4 delta mag -- should try it on the 20-inch]
02H 37M 00.52S +24° 38' 50.0" P.A. 275 SEP 37.8 MAG 6.50,7.02 SP F5V+F7V DIST. 41.75 PC (136.19 L.Y.)

BU 306: ! Very nice white and 3 delta mag bluish B, nicely seen 4".  I think this is my first Burnham at 277x. [AB seen.  AC too faint.]
02H 43M 51.25S +25° 38' 18.0" P.A. 19 SEP 3 MAG 6.40,10.36 SP A3V DIST. 104.28 PC (340.16 L.Y.)

BU 525: Star is decidedly not round but does not show shape other than a stretching, even at 553x.  If not a close pair it would be the faint blue star very wide separation.  [It's the close pair; evidently seeing not good enough to split; I have split 0.6" before.]
02H 58M 53.11S +21° 37' 03.9" P.A. 277 SEP 0.48 MAG 7.47,7.45 SP A3 DIST. 151.52 PC (494.26 L.Y.)

STF 333: Equal bright white -- stacked offset to each other -- just split with seeing. [AB seen.  AC wider separation.]
02H 59M 12.73S +21° 20' 25.6" P.A. 209.9 SEP 1.33 MAG 5.17,5.57 SP A2VS+A2VS DIST. 101.94 PC (332.53 L.Y.)

Tau Ari = Cou 259: Bright, maybe oval?  Pair the faint and very wide instead? [Marginal; saw the deformation to the disk but not the actual star, which might split clean in better seeing or the 20-inch]
03H 21M 13.63S +21° 08' 49.5" P.A. 217 SEP 0.9 MAG 5.34,8.09 SP B5IV DIST. 156.01 PC (508.9 L.Y.)

STF 381: ! Orange-yellow with 2x fainter B, very close split, with seeing; tough one.  [Good catch considering the seeing]
03H 23M 19.33S +20° 58' 13.9" P.A. 108 SEP 1 MAG 7.56,8.75 SP G5

63 Ari: Seems to be very close, very much fainter B, but comes and goes with seeing. [Doubtful, too close.]
03H 22M 45.24S +20° 44' 31.4" P.A. 296 SEP 0.3 MAG 5.28,8.13 SP K3III DIST. 97.37 PC (317.62 L.Y.)

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