A nice productive night with the 6-inch refractor, in spite of less than average seeing and a thin marine haze. I covered most of the CDSA pairs in Draco. There are a few with tighter separations than the 6-inch can resolve, I'll come back to those with the 20-inch on a better night.
20h 28m 14.45s +81° 25' 21.6" P.A. 11.00 sep 109.5 mag 5.48,11.34 Sp G9III dist. 139.66 pc (455.57 l.y.)
STH 7 AC: 152; 125x: Super wide near equal. Components with BUP 211. -83% PRO, it is not binary.
20h 28m 14.45s +81° 25' 21.6" P.A. 282.00 sep 196.6 mag 5.48,6.66 Sp G9III dist. 139.66 pc (455.57 l.y.)
H 1 41 AB: 125; 250x: Part of triangle of three stars, it is the barest of hairline split with high power and seeing only, slight magnitude difference. -84% PRO, it is not binary.
17h 39m 43.81s +72° 55' 42.0" P.A. 335.00 sep 0.9 mag 8.10,8.52 Sp F2
UC 3571 AB: 152; 250x: Wide faint B seen by holding my eye in averted vision. -6% PRO, 6,346 AU WS, 2.7+0.7 Msol, RVD 0.9 < EV 1.0, it is not likely binary given the distance and parallax.
18h 24m 08.51s +79° 13' 21.7" P.A. 73.00 sep 46.1 mag 6.66,12.26 Sp K0 dist. 130.04 pc (424.19 l.y.)
LDS 5227 AB 152; 125x: LEP 84. In a pretty arc of three stars of similar magnitude, one star is slightly orange and is not in this system, the other two are white. Super wide, PA to west, nearly one delta mag. 70% PRO, 8,825 AU WS, 1.1+1.0 Msol, RVD 0.3 < EV 0.7, it is very likely binary and needs an orbit. Proper motions are nearly the same. Fascinating pair!
17h 29m 44.45s +63° 51' 09.5" P.A. 288.00 sep 193.5 mag 7.67,8.40 Sp F9V+G0 dist. 45.21 pc (147.48 l.y.)
STF1516 AB: 152; 125: Wide near equal pair, -98% PRO, it is not binary. Several others in this system, including STT 539.
11h 15m 11.91s +73° 28' 30.7" P.A. 103.00 sep 67.6 mag 7.77,8.23 Sp K5 dist. 14.65 pc (47.79 l.y.)
STT 539 AC: 152; 200x: C is very faint, seen with averted vision then can hold, well separated. 84% PRO, 95 AU WS, 0.7+0.3 Msol, it is likely binary. SOC grade 5 orbit, 2774-year period.
11h 15m 11.91s +73° 28' 30.7" P.A. 329.00 sep 6.5 mag 7.77,11.34 Sp K5 dist. 14.65 pc (47.79 l.y.)
STF1860 AB: 152; 250x: Hairline split with seeing, light orange-yellow stars, significant magnitude difference. 93% PRO, 182 AU WS, 2.0+1.6 Msol, it is very likely binary and needs an orbit.
14h 33m 52.49s +55° 14' 09.6" P.A. 112.00 sep 1.0 mag 7.99,8.97 Sp A5 dist. 152.21 pc (496.51 l.y.)
STF1872 AB: 152; 125x: Well split, near equal. -2% PRO, 424 AU WS, 1.4+1.1 Msol, it is not likely binary. SOC grade 5 orbit with 2000-year orbit.
14h 41m 00.84s +57° 57' 28.1" P.A. 50.00 sep 7.4 mag 7.53,8.32 Sp K0 dist. 55.46 pc (180.91 l.y.)
STF1878 AB: 152; 125x: White and 2 Dm companion, closely separated. 35% PRO, 172 AU WS, 1.5+0.8 Msol, it is likely binary. SOC grade 5 orbit 1555-year period.
14h 42m 03.25s +61° 15' 42.9" P.A. 314.00 sep 4.2 mag 6.33,9.16 Sp F4V dist. 40.67 pc (132.67 l.y.)
STF1882 AB: 152; 125x: Lovely white and 2 Dm, well split B. Seen with 60mm low power. -3% PRO, 1,135 AU WS, 2.0+1.1 Msol, and RVD 4.0 > EV 2.2, it is not binary.
14h 44m 03.55s +61° 05' 53.7" sep 11.3 mag 6.92,9.23 Sp F3V dist. 97.28 pc (317.33 l.y.)
STF2278 BC: 152; 125x: Bright white A forms a long triangle with other wide stars. The BC pair is slightly unequal and closely separated. Can resolve it in the 60mm with high power 90x, but it is dim. 27% PRO, 1,253 AU WS, 2.1+1.9 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
18h 02m 54.92s +56° 26' 12.4" P.A. 146.00 sep 6.0 mag 8.14,8.53 Sp A0 dist. 187.62 pc (612.02 l.y.)
STF2284 AB: 152; 125x: Fine pair, faint 2 Dm B closely separated. 73% PRO, 608 AU WS, 2.1+1.4 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
18h 01m 23.28s +65° 56' 55.4" P.A. 192.00 sep 3.6 mag 8.01,9.45 Sp F7IV dist. 189.75 pc (618.96 l.y.)
STF2302 AB: 152; 125x: Excellent triple. Bright white A and two faint stars in similar position angle, fainter AB pretty close and steadily seen with direct vision, C twice as far. AB -8% PRO, it is not binary, however BC 39% PRO, 2,840 AU WS, 1.2+1.3 Msol, but RVD 1.9 > EV 1.2, it is not binary either.
18h 02m 50.94s +75° 47' 24.3" P.A. 248.00 sep 5.7 mag 7.03,9.97 Sp A0V dist. 141.04 pc (460.07 l.y.)
STF2308 AB: 60; 25x: Bright equal stars, wide, seen best 60mm low power. -12% PRO, it is not binary.
18h 00m 09.07s +80° 00' 13.7" P.A. 232.00 sep 18.9 mag 5.70,6.00 Sp F7V+F7V dist. 63.53 pc (207.23 l.y.)
STF2323 AB: 152; 200x: A is a pale yellow-white color, with a 3 Dm closely separated B. 30% PRO, 220 AU WS, 2.3+1.2 Msol, it is likely binary. SOC grade 4 orbit 2455-year period.
18h 23m 54.65s +58° 48' 02.1" P.A. 348.00 sep 3.6 mag 5.06,8.07 Sp A1V dist. 56.47 pc (184.21 l.y.)
STF2326 AB: 152; 125x: Near equal well separated. -93% PRO, it is not binary.
18h 05m 19.75s +81° 29' 08.1" P.A. 194.00 sep 16.0 mag 7.98,8.95 Sp A8IV
STF2368 AB: 152; 200x: Tight equal white stars. -31% PRO, it is not binary.
18h 38m 51.27s +52° 20' 38.2" P.A. 321.00 sep 1.9 mag 7.63,7.77 Sp A3 dist. 263.16 pc (858.43 l.y.)
STF2377 AB: 152; 125x: Bright light reddish A, B flashes into view with averted vision and can then hold, well separated. -10% PRO, it is not binary.
18h 38m 24.22s +63° 31' 58.3" P.A. 338.00 sep 16.9 mag 6.97,9.83 Sp K2III dist. 602.41 pc (1965.06 l.y.)
STF2403 AB: 152; 200x: Difficult in average seeing, B appears as the tiniest point and brightening on a's diffraction ring at best moments. No parallax data for C.
18h 44m 18.25s +61° 02' 53.3" P.A. 278.00 sep 1.1 mag 6.25,8.35 Sp G8III dist. 109.53 pc (357.29 l.y.)
STF2433 AB: 152; 125x: Faint B well separated, just barely seen with direct vision. -23% PRO, it is not binary.
18h 56m 55.18s +56° 44' 57.4" P.A. 122.00 sep 7.4 mag 7.17,10.09 Sp F2V dist. 141.24 pc (460.72 l.y.)
STF2438 AB: 152; 250x: Hairline split with seeing, high power only, near equal. -54% PRO, it is not binary.
18h 57m 28.47s +58° 13' 30.0" P.A. 356.00 sep 0.8 mag 7.01,7.44 Sp A2V dist. 125.16 pc (408.27 l.y.)
STF2440 AB: 152; 125x: 3 Dm, wide. -64% PRO, it is not binary.
18h 57m 17.34s +62° 23' 48.7" P.A. 122.00 sep 17.4 mag 6.59,9.61 Sp G8III dist. 95.42 pc (311.26 l.y.)
STF2452 AB: 152; 125x: Near equal white stars, well separated low. Forms a perfect equilateral triangle with two 2 Dm fainter wide stars. -36% PRO, it is not binary.
18h 53m 33.24s +75° 47' 14.6" P.A. 217.00 sep 5.7 mag 6.73,7.35 Sp A1V dist. 246.31 pc (803.46 l.y.)
STF2509 AB: 152; 250x: Lovely close split, 1 Dm. 45% PRO, 141 AU WS, 1.6+1.3 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
19h 16m 53.09s +63° 12' 27.0" P.A. 328.00 sep 1.8 mag 7.44,8.17 Sp F6V dist. 78.25 pc (255.25 l.y.)
STF2550 AB: 152; 250x: Faint pair, close split, near equal. -1% PRO, 338 AU WS, 1.9+1.8, it might be binary and an orbit should be tried.
19h 26m 59.48s +73° 21' 58.7" P.A. 251.00 sep 1.9 mag 8.50,8.43 Sp F2 dist. 145.56 pc (474.82 l.y.)
STF2571 AB: 152; 125x: Near equal, well separated. -6% PRO, 1,369 AU WS, 1.8+1.6 Msol, RVD 3.6 > EV 2.1, it is not binary.
19h 29m 30.03s +78° 15' 55.8" P.A. 19.00 sep 11.4 mag 7.69,8.27 Sp F0IV dist. 202.43 pc (660.33 l.y.)
STF2603 AB: 152; 200x: Light yellow stars, very much brighter A, B is a bump at low power, resolved with 200x, closely split. 62% PRO, 149 AU WS, 2.9+1.3 Msol, it is likely binary. SOC grade 5 obrit, 2753-year period.
19h 48m 10.35s +70° 16' 04.5" P.A. 20.00 sep 3.5 mag 4.01,6.87 Sp G7IIIb dist. 45.37 pc (148 l.y.)
STF2604 AB: 152; 125x: 1 Dm, wide. 13% PRO, 5,604 AU WS, 3.1+1.7 Msol, but RVD 7.1 > EV 1.2, it is not binary.
19h 52m 47.68s +64° 10' 33.8" P.A. 182.00 sep 28.0 mag 6.89,9.02 Sp G5 dist. 149.48 pc (487.6 l.y.)
STFA 25 AB: 60; 25x: Easy, the group of stars form a triangle, C is 2Dm and closer (but PRO is -91%). AB PRO 44%, 23,364 AU WS, 2.6+2.4 Msol, and RVD 0.3 < EV 0.6. The WS is very much wider than known pairs, it is not likely to be a binary, likely a comoving pair.
13h 13m 28.26s +67° 17' 16.6" P.A. 298.00 sep 180.8 mag 6.64,7.08 Sp K2III dist. 122.25 pc (398.78 l.y.)
STFA 44 AB: 60; 25x: Wide, nearly 1 Dm. 85% PRO, 31,860 AU WS, 5.4+3.2 MSol, RVD 7.9 > EV 0.7, it is not binary.
19h 33m 10.07s +60° 09' 31.3" P.A. 287.00 sep 75.8 mag 6.47,8.19 Sp K4III dist. 309.6 pc (1009.92 l.y.)
STT 299 AB: 152; 200x: Closely separated B seen with averted vision only. 23% PRO, 547 AU WS, 2.3+1.3 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
15h 33m 51.06s +63° 54' 25.7" P.A. 24.00 sep 3.3 mag 7.50,9.89 Sp A6V+KIII dist. 138.7 pc (452.44 l.y.)
STT 593 AB: 152; 125x: Super wide, 3 Dm. 8% PRO, 13,719 AU WS, 2.1+1.1 Msol, RVD 0.1 < EV 0.6. The WS is very much larger than known binaries, this is likely not binary, rather is comoving.
20h 29m 27.31s +81° 05' 26.7" P.A. 36.00 sep 214.4 mag 6.07,8.74 Sp K0III+F8V dist. 63.73 pc (207.89 l.y.)
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