Seeing was rather poor but I still had a good short night with the 6-inch refractor. After looking at the moon a while (it was low), I aligned the setting circles and started going through the likely binary list from the Cambridge Double Star Atlas. Many of the list are within reach of the 6-inch, and only a few were too faint due to the light haze and bright moon.
BU 130 AB: 152; 250x: 90 Her. Very extremely faint B consistently seen on A's faint diffraction ring. A is light yellow-orange. No Gaia data for the secondary.
17h 53m 18.03s +40° 00' 28.6" P.A. 110.00 sep 1.6 mag 5.28,8.76 Sp K3III dist. 108.46 pc (353.8 l.y.)
PRY 2 AB: 152; 152; 250x: Pure white A. B resolves with seeing. very faint, a concentration then resolves as a tiny point. 26% PRO, 386 AU WS, 3.3+1.6 Msol, it is very likely binary and needs an orbit.
17h 04m 41.34s +19° 35' 56.7" P.A. 227.00 sep 1.8 mag 6.19,9.29 Sp A0IV dist. 176.68 pc (576.33 l.y.)
STF2052 AB: 152; 200x: Near equal closely split pair, yellow-orange, very pretty. 38% PRO, 40 AU WS, 0.7+0.8 Msol, it has a SOC grade 2 orbit, 229.5-year period, and is currently at apastron.
16h 28m 52.67s +18° 24' 50.6" P.A. 118.00 sep 2.5 mag 7.69,7.91 Sp K3V+K3V dist. 19.66 pc (64.13 l.y.)
STF2063 AB: 152; 125x: Classic Struve, white stars, wide, 2 Dm. 37% PRO, 1,156 AU WS, 2.2+1.1 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
16h 31m 47.23s +45° 35' 53.8" P.A. 195.00 sep 16.3 mag 5.69,8.70 Sp A2V dist. 69.3 pc (226.06 l.y.)
STF2094 AB: 152; 250x: Excellent near equal pair, clean split. C is wide and faint. -45% PRO, it is not binary. Nor is C.
16h 44m 10.57s +23° 31' 02.8" P.A. 75.00 sep 1.1 mag 7.48,7.87 Sp F5III dist. 156.49 pc (510.47 l.y.)
STF2095 AB: 152; 125x: 46 Her. Attractive white and 1 Dm wide pair. 73% PRO, 993 AU WS, 2.5+1.6 Msol, and RVD 2.1 < EV 2.7, it is certainly binary and needs an orbit.
16h 45m 05.23s +28° 21' 28.9" P.A. 160.00 sep 5.4 mag 7.36,9.16 Sp F7III dist. 215.98 pc (704.53 l.y.)
STF2101 AB: 152; 125x: One of a triangle of equal magnitude white stars. 1 Dm companion well separated. 4% PRO, 243 AU WS, 1.4+0.9 Msol, RVD 1.7 < EV 4.0, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
16h 45m 48.14s +35° 37' 50.5" P.A. 47.00 sep 4.1 mag 7.51,9.39 Sp F6V dist. 58.82 pc (191.87 l.y.)
STF2104 AB: 152; 125x: Nice, light orange A and well split, 1 Dm B. 67% PRO, 1,114 AU WS, 2.5+1.7 Msol, it is possibly binary and needs an orbit.
16h 48m 41.48s +35° 55' 19.3" P.A. 18.00 sep 5.7 mag 7.49,8.78 Sp F2 dist. 172.71 pc (563.38 l.y.)
STF2140 AB: 152; 125x: Rasalgethi. Light orange A and light blue faint B, 4 Dm, nice looking split. No Gaia data for the primary (!?). SOC grade 4 orbit, 3600-year period.
17h 14m 38.86s +14° 23' 24.9" P.A. 103.00 sep 4.7 mag 3.48,5.40 Sp M5Ib-II dist. 110.25 pc (359.64 l.y.)
STF2142 AB: 152; 200x: White A, very much fainter B is well separated. Seen 125x better at 200x. 57% PRO, 467 AU WS, 2.3+1.0 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
17h 11m 40.26s +49° 44' 46.7" P.A. 110.00 sep 4.9 mag 6.18,9.35 Sp A5III dist. 94.88 pc (309.5 l.y.)
STF2232 AB: 152; 125x: White A and 1 Dm wide B. -5% PRO, 1,046 AU WS, 2.7+1.6 Msol, it is not likely binary.
17h 50m 15.00s +25° 17' 27.6" P.A. 140.00 sep 6.1 mag 6.71,8.85 Sp A1V dist. 147.49 pc (481.11 l.y.)
STF2242 AB: 152; 125x: Near equal white pair, fairly closely split. 78% PRO, 481 AU WS, 1.8+1.8 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
17h 51m 10.32s +44° 54' 28.0" P.A. 325.00 sep 3.4 mag 8.14,8.28 Sp F0 dist. 118.06 pc (385.11 l.y.)
STFA 31 AB: 152; 125x: Superwide equal white stars. 5% PRO, 7,014 AU WS, 2.6+2.0 Msol, and RVD 1.0 < EV 1.1. It is borderline to be binary, an orbit should be tried.
16h 40m 38.69s +04° 13' 11.3" P.A. 229.00 sep 69.3 mag 5.76,6.92 Sp A1V+A3IV dist. 90.01 pc (293.61 l.y.)
STFA 32 AC: 152; 125x: Attractive wide pair, equal magnitude, Faint BC well separated and seen with averted vision. Did not see A 1874 AB, 7.93/10.85 5", which is certainly binary. AC 0% PRO, it is not binary.
16h 57m 53.18s +47° 22' 00.0" P.A. 262.00 sep 112.4 mag 7.93,8.05 Sp K0V+K3V dist. 18.3 pc (59.69 l.y.)
STFA 35 AB: 152; 125x: Nu2 Dra. Pretty, wide white near equal pair. 11% PRO, 1,865 AU WS, 1.7+1.7 Msol, it might be binary and an orbit should be tried.
17h 32m 15.88s +55° 10' 22.1" P.A. 311.00 sep 62.3 mag 4.87,4.90 Sp A4m+A6V dist. 30.49 pc (99.46 l.y.)
STT 313 AB: 152; 250x: Very finely split equal pair, light blue stars. -16% PRO, it is not binary.
16h 32m 33.19s +40° 06' 47.7" P.A. 128.00 sep 0.9 mag 7.97,8.31 Sp F9IV dist. 456.62 pc (1489.49 l.y.)
STT 318 AB: 152; 250x: Light orange, B appears >2 Dm and lies just beyond A's first diffraction ring. 13% PRO, 375 AU WS, 2.4+1.3 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
16h 56m 39.66s +14° 08' 24.9" P.A. 243.00 sep 2.9 mag 7.00,9.61 Sp G9III dist. 131.58 pc (429.21 l.y.)
STT 329 AB: 152; 125x: 2 Dm, wide. 12% PRO, 6,646 AU WS, 3.4+1.4 Msol, but RVD 4.1 > EV 1.1, it is not binary.
17h 24m 27.11s +36° 57' 06.9" P.A. 12.00 sep 33.0 mag 6.35,9.88 Sp G5III+F0V dist. 230.41 pc (751.6 l.y.)
WEB 6 AB: 152; 125x: Super-wide, near equal magnitude stars. -16% PRO, 21,217 AU WS, it is not binary.
16h 35m 26.29s +17° 03' 26.4" P.A. 1.00 sep 155.3 mag 6.41,7.26 Sp A2V dist. 145.77 pc (475.5 l.y.)
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