(image Ted Dobosz)
The night of the 29th I used the 6-inch on the moon, and then Jupiter, and was able to see Io emerge out of Jupiter's shadow -- a dim point, growing brighter in less than a minute. Comparing to views through my 8-inch masked reflector last night, I would say for sure the refractor is better (more contrasty) than the reflector. Though, the mirror needs a cleaning.
Seeing was not very good last night, about 5-6/10, and transparency was poor with the usual haze. Marine layer fog started to drift in around 11:00pm, so I packed it in.
STF 2323 AB: 203; 205x: 39 Dra. Brilliant white A and slightly ruddy B, ~3 delta mag, ~4" sep. 3962.5 year period. It's all about that half year!
18H 23M 54.65S +58° 48' 02.1" P.A. 348 SEP 3.74 MAG 5.06,8.07 SP A1V DIST. 56.47 PC (184.21 L.Y.)
ES 187 AB: 203; 205x: Near equal, ~2", slightly ruddy stars. Nice pair
18H 23M 45.03S +51° 38' 55.8" P.A. 207 SEP 2.5 MAG 9.32,9.43 SP G5 DIST. 61.31 PC (199.99 L.Y.)
STT 351 AC: 203; 305x: Split, better with seeing, light orange stars, significant mag difference. Did not notice HU 66 AB, 7.9/8.4 0.1" or HU 66 BC, 8.40/8.25 0.9 -- need to go back to this one!
18H 25M 18.20S +48° 45' 42.5" P.A. 29 SEP 0.8 MAG 7.90,8.25 SP G5 DIST. 144.72 PC (472.08 L.Y.)
TDT 896 AB: 203; 205x: Faint but easy pair, wide, <1 delta mag. Not physical.
18H 28M 16.85S +49° 30' 16.0" P.A. 152 SEP 8.8 MAG 10.57,11.41
HU 932 AB: 203; 205x: B appears with foveal coaxing, but can hold it direct. ~3 delta mag to bright light yellow A, ~2"
18H 31M 19.01S +62° 32' 16.8" P.A. 76 SEP 2 MAG 7.26,10.85 SP F2 DIST. 131.06 PC (427.52 L.Y.)
ES 784 AB: 203; 205x: ~1 delta mag, fairly wide white stars. Not physical
18H 31M 51.82S +51° 10' 47.8" P.A. 65 SEP 7.2 MAG 10.00,10.50
STF 2357 AB: 203; 205x: Wide ~1 delta mag white
18H 32M 53.86S +63° 42' 33.0" P.A. 271 SEP 4.7 MAG 9.32,9.89 SP K0 DIST. 90.58 PC (295.47 L.Y.)
STF 2368 AB: 203; 205x: Brilliant white near equal stars, nicely separated ~2"
18H 38M 51.27S +52° 20' 38.2" P.A. 321 SEP 1.9 MAG 7.63,7.77 SP A3 DIST. 263.16 PC (858.43 L.Y.)
A 1379 AB: 203; 205x: Faint pair, resolved with seeing, B is flickering between direct and averted vision.
18H 38M 43.02S +52° 43' 27.6" P.A. 210 SEP 2.1 MAG 9.71,10.26 SP A3
ES 787 AB: 203; 205x: V410 Dra. B noticed with averted vision then held direct as a faint point, ~3 delta mag and wide, white stars. Not physical
18H 39M 56.26S +51° 05' 34.1" P.A. 37 SEP 8.2 MAG 8.93,11.69 SP G5 DIST. 117.51 PC (383.32 L.Y.)
HU 754 AB: 203; 205x: Very fine B, a tiny point outside brilliant white A's diffraction. ~3 delta at least.
18H 41M 44.99S +51° 07' 33.6" P.A. 93 SEP 1.3 MAG 8.36,11.53 SP A2 DIST. 318.47 PC (1038.85 L.Y.)
STF 2398 AB: 203; 205x: Very light orange stars, ~1 delta mag, wide. 408 year period
18H 42M 46.69S +59° 37' 49.4" P.A. 181.6 SEP 11.04 MAG 9.11,9.96 SP M4+M4.5 DIST. 3.57 PC (11.65 L.Y.)
STI2383 AB: 203; 205x: Faint near equal stars, wide, seems to be in a small cluster. Physical pair.
18H 43M 19.16S +56° 36' 55.8" P.A. 343 SEP 14.5 MAG 11.06,11.19
STI2384 AB: 203; 205x: Very faint, barely there, averted vision hardly helps, but there are two hazy points, wide ~4". Not physical
18H 43M 58.14S +55° 58' 31.3" P.A. 142 SEP 3.8 MAG 11.80,11.80
STF 2403 AB: 508; 333x: Very tough. B is a brightening or condensation on A's diffraction ring, when A settles down with seeing.
18H 44M 18.25S +61° 02' 53.3" P.A. 278 SEP 1.1 MAG 6.25,8.35 SP G8III DIST. 109.53 PC (357.29 L.Y.)
MLB 1079 BC: 508; 205x: A-BC is relatively bright white A, wide separation. The B of BC is easily but C is more difficult, fainter, but yet a steady point with seeing
18H 45M 49.76S +59° 22' 27.2" P.A. 279 SEP 7.4 MAG 11.20,12.50
MLR 7 AB: 508; 333x: Extremely fine, ~1 delta, ~1" separation, resolved only with seeing when stars harden to points.
18H 46M 07.33S +61° 21' 10.6" P.A. 303 SEP 1.1 MAG 9.91,11.00 SP F5
HU 937 AB: 508; 333x: Hairline split at 205x, more definite split with 333x, ~1 delta mag. A is yellow-white, B is a deeper yellow-orange. 225.53 year period
18H 46M 13.38S +64° 11' 44.4" P.A. 333 SEP 1.06 MAG 8.85,9.90 SP F8 DIST. 97.75 PC (318.86 L.Y.)
STF 2410 AB: 508; 205x: White, ~1 delta mag, well split ~2"
18H 46M 56.67S +59° 19' 52.0" P.A. 86 SEP 1.7 MAG 8.59,8.85 SP F8 DIST. 144.09 PC (470.02 L.Y.)
STI 865 AB: 508; 205x: Faint but well seen, nicely split ~4", nice hard points
18H 51M 54.46S +59° 48' 56.6" P.A. 179 SEP 3.7 MAG 11.61,12.10
ES 1746 AB: 508; 205x: Fairly faint, slight mag difference, well split ~2"
18H 52M 50.17S +58° 14' 48.9" P.A. 114 SEP 1.8 MAG 10.52,11.09
TDS 955 AB: 508; 333x: Very fine, resolved with seeing, ~1 delta mag ~1", pretty difficult.
18H 56M 21.13S +58° 54' 26.1" P.A. 146 SEP 0.9 MAG 10.50,11.11
STF 2438 AB: 508; 333x: Hairline split, white stars, near equal. 261.6 year period, look how fast it will move in the years 2150-2160!
18H 57M 28.47S +58° 13' 30.0" P.A. 357.1 SEP 0.86 MAG 7.01,7.44 SP A2IV DIST. 125.16 PC (408.27 L.Y.)
TDT 1168 AB: 508; 205x: Nice white and blue pair, easily seen, ~2 delta ~2"
18H 59M 17.70S +59° 28' 45.5" P.A. 250 SEP 1.8 MAG 9.56,11.47 SP F8
ES 1844 AB: 508; 205x: Faint pair, significant mag difference, B noticed with averted vision before holding direct, well split ~3"
18H 59M 30.05S +63° 47' 34.5" P.A. 20 SEP 3 MAG 9.60,10.50
A 1387 AB: 508; 667x: Notched elongation, white stars. Seeing not good enough to split
18H 59M 20.43S +54° 50' 12.5" P.A. 351 SEP 0.3 MAG 9.05,10.02 SP A0
ES 1748 AB: 508; 205x: Easy ~1 delta mag wide pair
18H 59M 44.10S +55° 43' 25.9" P.A. 55 SEP 6.6 MAG 9.45,10.80 SP G5
ARG 33 AB: 508; 205x: BH Dra. White stars, ~1 delta mag, wide
19H 03M 39.54S +57° 27' 25.9" P.A. 57 SEP 10.6 MAG 8.46,9.25 SP A0 DIST. 211.42 PC (689.65 L.Y.)
TDS 970 AB: 508; 333x: Hairline split, near equal. Not in WDS
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