Saturday, August 1, 2020

The last couple of days have had some dramatic prominences on the sun, and I've been tracking them with my PST.  One very large spike, with an arch at its bottom, turned into a bright arch.  I wonder if the top lifted off.

Solar Prominence 30th July 2020 small.jpg
(image Ted Dobosz)

The night of the 29th I used the 6-inch on the moon, and then Jupiter, and was able to see Io emerge out of Jupiter's shadow -- a dim point, growing brighter in less than a minute.  Comparing to views through my 8-inch masked reflector last night, I would say for sure the refractor is better (more contrasty) than the reflector.  Though, the mirror needs a cleaning.

Seeing was not very good last night, about 5-6/10, and transparency was poor with the usual haze.  Marine layer fog started to drift in around 11:00pm, so I packed it in. 

STF 2323 AB: 203; 205x: 39 Dra.  Brilliant white A and slightly ruddy B, ~3 delta mag, ~4" sep.  3962.5 year period.  It's all about that half year!
18H 23M 54.65S +58° 48' 02.1" P.A. 348 SEP 3.74 MAG 5.06,8.07 SP A1V DIST. 56.47 PC (184.21 L.Y.)
grafico orbita
ES 187 AB: 203; 205x: Near equal, ~2", slightly ruddy stars.  Nice pair 
18H 23M 45.03S +51° 38' 55.8" P.A. 207 SEP 2.5 MAG 9.32,9.43 SP G5 DIST. 61.31 PC (199.99 L.Y.)

STT 351 AC: 203; 305x: Split, better with seeing, light orange stars, significant mag difference.  Did not notice HU 66 AB, 7.9/8.4 0.1" or HU 66 BC, 8.40/8.25 0.9 -- need to go back to this one!
18H 25M 18.20S +48° 45' 42.5" P.A. 29 SEP 0.8 MAG 7.90,8.25 SP G5 DIST. 144.72 PC (472.08 L.Y.)

TDT 896 AB: 203; 205x: Faint but easy pair, wide, <1 delta mag.  Not physical. 
18H 28M 16.85S +49° 30' 16.0" P.A. 152 SEP 8.8 MAG 10.57,11.41

HU 932 AB: 203; 205x: B appears with foveal coaxing, but can hold it direct.  ~3 delta mag to bright light yellow A, ~2"
18H 31M 19.01S +62° 32' 16.8" P.A. 76 SEP 2 MAG 7.26,10.85 SP F2 DIST. 131.06 PC (427.52 L.Y.)

ES 784 AB: 203; 205x: ~1 delta mag, fairly wide white stars.  Not physical
18H 31M 51.82S +51° 10' 47.8" P.A. 65 SEP 7.2 MAG 10.00,10.50

STF 2357 AB: 203; 205x: Wide ~1 delta mag white 
18H 32M 53.86S +63° 42' 33.0" P.A. 271 SEP 4.7 MAG 9.32,9.89 SP K0 DIST. 90.58 PC (295.47 L.Y.)

STF 2368 AB: 203; 205x: Brilliant white near equal stars, nicely separated ~2" 
18H 38M 51.27S +52° 20' 38.2" P.A. 321 SEP 1.9 MAG 7.63,7.77 SP A3 DIST. 263.16 PC (858.43 L.Y.)

A 1379 AB: 203; 205x: Faint pair, resolved with seeing, B is flickering between direct and averted vision. 
18H 38M 43.02S +52° 43' 27.6" P.A. 210 SEP 2.1 MAG 9.71,10.26 SP A3

ES 787 AB: 203; 205x: V410 Dra. B noticed with averted vision then held direct as a faint point, ~3 delta mag and wide, white stars.  Not physical 
18H 39M 56.26S +51° 05' 34.1" P.A. 37 SEP 8.2 MAG 8.93,11.69 SP G5 DIST. 117.51 PC (383.32 L.Y.)

HU 754 AB: 203; 205x: Very fine B, a tiny point outside brilliant white A's diffraction.  ~3 delta at least.
18H 41M 44.99S +51° 07' 33.6" P.A. 93 SEP 1.3 MAG 8.36,11.53 SP A2 DIST. 318.47 PC (1038.85 L.Y.)

STF 2398 AB: 203; 205x: Very light orange stars, ~1 delta mag, wide.  408 year period
18H 42M 46.69S +59° 37' 49.4" P.A. 181.6 SEP 11.04 MAG 9.11,9.96 SP M4+M4.5 DIST. 3.57 PC (11.65 L.Y.)
grafico orbita
STI2383 AB: 203; 205x: Faint near equal stars, wide, seems to be in a small cluster.  Physical pair.
18H 43M 19.16S +56° 36' 55.8" P.A. 343 SEP 14.5 MAG 11.06,11.19

STI2384 AB: 203; 205x: Very faint, barely there, averted vision hardly helps, but there are two hazy points, wide ~4".  Not physical 
18H 43M 58.14S +55° 58' 31.3" P.A. 142 SEP 3.8 MAG 11.80,11.80

STF 2403 AB: 508; 333x: Very tough.  B is a brightening or condensation on A's diffraction ring, when A settles down with seeing. 
18H 44M 18.25S +61° 02' 53.3" P.A. 278 SEP 1.1 MAG 6.25,8.35 SP G8III DIST. 109.53 PC (357.29 L.Y.)

MLB 1079 BC: 508; 205x: A-BC is relatively bright white A, wide separation.  The B of BC is easily but C is more difficult, fainter, but yet a steady point with seeing 
18H 45M 49.76S +59° 22' 27.2" P.A. 279 SEP 7.4 MAG 11.20,12.50

MLR 7 AB: 508; 333x: Extremely fine, ~1 delta, ~1" separation, resolved only with seeing when stars harden to points.
18H 46M 07.33S +61° 21' 10.6" P.A. 303 SEP 1.1 MAG 9.91,11.00 SP F5

HU 937 AB: 508; 333x: Hairline split at 205x, more definite split with 333x, ~1 delta mag.  A is yellow-white, B is a deeper yellow-orange.  225.53 year period
18H 46M 13.38S +64° 11' 44.4" P.A. 333 SEP 1.06 MAG 8.85,9.90 SP F8 DIST. 97.75 PC (318.86 L.Y.)
grafico orbita
STF 2410 AB: 508; 205x: White, ~1 delta mag, well split ~2" 
18H 46M 56.67S +59° 19' 52.0" P.A. 86 SEP 1.7 MAG 8.59,8.85 SP F8 DIST. 144.09 PC (470.02 L.Y.)

STI 865 AB: 508; 205x: Faint but well seen, nicely split ~4", nice hard points 
18H 51M 54.46S +59° 48' 56.6" P.A. 179 SEP 3.7 MAG 11.61,12.10

ES 1746 AB: 508; 205x: Fairly faint, slight mag difference, well split ~2" 
18H 52M 50.17S +58° 14' 48.9" P.A. 114 SEP 1.8 MAG 10.52,11.09

TDS 955 AB: 508; 333x: Very fine, resolved with seeing, ~1 delta mag ~1", pretty difficult.
18H 56M 21.13S +58° 54' 26.1" P.A. 146 SEP 0.9 MAG 10.50,11.11

STF 2438 AB: 508; 333x: Hairline split, white stars, near equal.  261.6 year period, look how fast it will move in the years 2150-2160!
18H 57M 28.47S +58° 13' 30.0" P.A. 357.1 SEP 0.86 MAG 7.01,7.44 SP A2IV DIST. 125.16 PC (408.27 L.Y.)
grafico orbita
TDT 1168 AB: 508; 205x: Nice white and blue pair, easily seen, ~2 delta ~2" 
18H 59M 17.70S +59° 28' 45.5" P.A. 250 SEP 1.8 MAG 9.56,11.47 SP F8

ES 1844 AB: 508; 205x: Faint pair, significant mag difference, B noticed with averted vision before holding direct, well split ~3" 
18H 59M 30.05S +63° 47' 34.5" P.A. 20 SEP 3 MAG 9.60,10.50

A 1387 AB: 508; 667x: Notched elongation, white stars.  Seeing not good enough to split 
18H 59M 20.43S +54° 50' 12.5" P.A. 351 SEP 0.3 MAG 9.05,10.02 SP A0

ES 1748 AB: 508; 205x: Easy ~1 delta mag wide pair 
18H 59M 44.10S +55° 43' 25.9" P.A. 55 SEP 6.6 MAG 9.45,10.80 SP G5

ARG 33 AB: 508; 205x: BH Dra.  White stars, ~1 delta mag, wide 
19H 03M 39.54S +57° 27' 25.9" P.A. 57 SEP 10.6 MAG 8.46,9.25 SP A0 DIST. 211.42 PC (689.65 L.Y.)

TDS 970 AB: 508; 333x: Hairline split, near equal.  Not in WDS 

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