On the bright side, I have used the 6-inch the last couple of days to look at a sunspot with the Herschel wedge, and I'm quite pleased. Plenty of detail to look at, even some surface granulation, when seeing cooperates. Will keep at it.
I switched over to the 20-inch last night at around 11pm and observed until 12:30am when fog looked like it would shut me down. I went inside for a snack and some water, and when I came out and looked up I saw marine fog seeming to approach from the west over the yew trees -- so I decided I would pack up. As it turned out, the fog held back as I packed up, so I could have observed longer -- but I was tired anyway.
Seeing was worse than expected, 5/10 to 6/10, so I started with 20-inch with the apodising mask, but then went down to the 8-inch mask. Some good pairs observed.

AC 7 BC: 508; 533x: Mu Her. Nice one to star with. STF 2220 A is a very bright light orange, and BC is widely separated blue, much fainter. I suspected B was also a pair at 333x, and could get a nice clean split with seeing at 533x, so I could tell an orientation and make a sketch (43-year period). Indeed it is a short period pair and I should be able to get at least a quarter turn out of it.
ES 469 BC: 508; 205x: Another BC pair, BC is widely separated from ninth mag A star. C flashes with averted vision, and then I can just hold direct, ~3". Mu Her is at the edge of the FOV. [not physical]
17H 46M 38.73S +27° 58' 55.7" P.A. 148 SEP 4.2 MAG 11.79,14.80 DIST. 367.65 PC (1199.27 L.Y.)
TDS 881 AB: 508; 333x: Not quite splitting with 205x, faint pair, very tight, tough but resolves clean with seeing at 333x.
17H 46M 59.59S +29° 14' 39.7" P.A. 243 SEP 1 MAG 10.06,11.19
COU 501 AB: 203; 205x: Nicely split, <2", <1 delta mag white stars.
17H 48M 57.40S +25° 11' 00.4" P.A. 319 SEP 1.9 MAG 10.14,10.24 SP F5
J 754 AB: 203; 205x: Very tight pair, ~1 delta mag, just split, can see B direct but it almost needs averted vision.
17H 49M 00.69S +24° 50' 19.9" P.A. 49 SEP 1.7 MAG 9.72,10.72 SP A7
STF 2232 AB: 203; 205x: Bright blue-white A and ~3 delta mag dull red B. Wide ~6"
17H 50M 15.00S +25° 17' 27.6" P.A. 140 SEP 6.1 MAG 6.71,8.85 SP A1V DIST. 147.49 PC (481.11 L.Y.)
STF 2239 AB: 203; 205x: Nice pair, white ~1 delta mag and ~2-3" separated B
17H 51M 45.34S +28° 14' 16.3" P.A. 319 SEP 2.4 MAG 9.55,10.00 SP F8 DIST. 178.25 PC (581.45 L.Y.)
AC 9 AB: 203; 205x: ! Wow, very fine near equal split, white stars
17H 54M 08.02S +29° 48' 44.6" P.A. 242 SEP 1 MAG 9.01,9.16 SP F2 DIST. 166.11 PC (541.85 L.Y.)
SEI 552 AB: 203; 205x: Nice well split white stars, ~1 delta mag, ~5". It lies in a double triangle of stars, it's apex of smaller triangle the one star forming part of another larger triangle [not physical]
17H 55M 49.46S +31° 17' 52.8" P.A. 235 SEP 5.6 MAG 10.57,11.30
COU 999 AB: 203; 205x: Faint tight B brought forth with foveal coaxing, ~1 one delta mag, ~1.5" separation
17H 56M 38.55S +30° 44' 34.2" P.A. 312 SEP 1.4 MAG 10.03,10.69 SP F8
HO 423 AB: 203; 205x: Very delicate pair, need foveal coaxing to see B (though I suspected it with direct vision). ~5" and ~3 delta mag. Really nice and in a rich field [not psychical, unfortunately]
17H 57M 34.79S +27° 59' 31.5" P.A. 292 SEP 4.7 MAG 8.95,11.47 SP F6V DIST. 215.52 PC (703.03 L.Y.)
HO 424 AB: 203; 205x: ! Extraordinarily fine pair. Bright white A and very tight B which lies just outside A's first diffraction ring, ~1.5". Need foveal coaxing to bring out B, which is very much fainter.
17H 57M 44.09S +28° 15' 12.8" P.A. 204 SEP 1.4 MAG 8.45,10.73 SP G8III DIST. 309.6 PC (1009.92 L.Y.)
STF 2263 AB: 203; 205x: Wide ~1 delta mag, white-blue A and dull orange B.
18H 00M 55.43S +26° 32' 57.2" P.A. 158 SEP 7.7 MAG 8.73,9.93 SP F8
ES 470 AB: 203; 205x: Can hold B direct after foveal coaxing, it's very faint ~1 delta and wide.
18H 03M 15.08S +27° 50' 40.3" P.A. 208 SEP 8.3 MAG 9.45,10.70 SP F8
STF 2280 AB: 203; 205x: 100 Her. Bright equal wide yellow-white stars. [not physical]
18H 07M 49.56S +26° 06' 04.4" P.A. 183 SEP 14.3 MAG 5.81,5.84 SP A3V DIST. 49.6 PC (161.8 L.Y.)
STF 2292 AB: 203; 205x: Very fine split, white stars, slight mag difference ~0.5 delta. Very fine at this magnification
18H 12M 06.74S +27° 38' 35.9" P.A. 273 SEP 0.8 MAG 8.30,8.62 SP A2 DIST. 173.31 PC (565.34 L.Y.)
POU 3366 AB: 203; 205x: Easy near equal wide pair
18H 14M 49.24S +23° 13' 54.6" P.A. 238 SEP 13.7 MAG 10.98,11.00 SP F5
AG 221 AB: 203; 205x: Fine near equal, split ~2"
18H 20M 02.24S +21° 20' 00.7" P.A. 12 SEP 1.8 MAG 9.90,9.87 SP F8
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