Friday, February 7, 2020

6 february 2020

I had a fairly long session last night, starting shortly after dark and continuing until 10:40pm.  Transparency was better than previous nights but really not better than 2.5/5; there was still a lot of glare in the sky from the nearly full moon shining off the water vapor.  Seeing was also middling, 5.5/10, so I kept it mostly with the 8-inch mask and lower powers.  At one point I put on my apodizing mask and it had a noticeable improvement on the stellar images, which makes me wonder if instead of the 8-mask I should just use the apodizing mask for greater resolving power.  Doubles mostly, and I finished up on the moon.

STF 336 AB: 203; 333x: Nice light orange and light blue stars, 1.5 delta mag, wide, ~9"
03h 01m 29.07s +32° 24' 45.8" P.A. 8 sep 8.7 mag 6.96,8.27 Sp G5IV dist. 168.07 pc (548.24 l.y.)

STF 331
AB: 203; 333x: Slightly yellow-white pair, wide, about 1.5 delta mag.
03h 00m 52.18s +52° 21' 06.5" P.A. 86 sep 11.8 mag 5.21,6.17 Sp B7V+B9V dist. 140.65 pc (458.8 l.y.)

STF 652: 203, 333x: Very nice light orange A and greenish blue B, well split ~1.5", 2 delta
05h 11m 45.35s +01° 02' 12.5" P.A. 180 sep 1.7 mag 6.26,7.44 Sp A+G2:III dist. 195.31 pc (637.1 l.y.)

STF 654 AB: 203, 333x: Rho Ori Bright light orange-yellow A star with 3 delta mag yellow-white B, ~5"
05h 13m 17.48s +02° 51' 40.5" P.A. 65 sep 6.4 mag 4.62,8.50 Sp K2II dist. 107.3 pc (350.01 l.y.)

STT 517 AB: 203; 333x: Consistently split but images are bloated by poor seeing, yellowish white stars, <1", near equal.
05h 13m 31.55s +01° 58' 03.7" P.A. 241 sep 0.71 mag 6.79,6.99 Sp A5V dist. 212.31 pc (692.56 l.y.)

STF 664 AB: 203; 333x: Near equal, well split, "headlights in fog" pair. Slightly yellow.
05h 15m 10.54s +08° 25' 56.8" P.A. 177 sep 4.8 mag 7.77,8.42 Sp A9IV dist. 120.19 pc (392.06 l.y.)

A 2638 AB: 203; 333x: Tough pair in these conditions, moon haze. Slightly unequal and very close, resolves with seeing to two distinct faint points, but a haze around them
05h 15m 52.51s +03° 44' 55.7" P.A. 280 sep 1 mag 9.24,9.45 Sp F5 dist. 168.92 pc (551.02 l.y.)

BU 318
AB: 203; 333x: Elongation, certainly a pair, but not resolved.
05h 16m 14.58s -03° 28' 59.1" P.A. 264 sep 0.6 mag 8.81,8.28 Sp B8V dist. 196.46 pc (640.85 l.y.)

STF 678 AB: 203; 333x: Nice pair, near equal, pretty wide, nice view with seeing.
05h 17m 39.01s +04° 41' 01.8" P.A. 104 sep 3.6 mag 9.11,9.44 Sp F0 dist. 173.01 pc (564.36 l.y.)

WNC 2 A-BC: 203; 333x: Nice near equal, light yellow-white stars, well split. nice pair [BC is A 847 7.67/7.84 0.3" and could have been gotten on a better night!]
05h 23m 51.32s -00° 51' 59.8" P.A. 158.3 sep 3.13 mag 6.87,6.96 Sp F6V dist. 55.71 pc (181.73 l.y.)

STF 702 AB: 203; 333x: Wide, bluish for faintness, probably not physical [not physical]
05h 24m 17.61s +02° 22' 04.6" P.A. 80 sep 8.3 mag 9.60,10.10 Sp A0

STF 708 AB; 203; 333x: Resolves only with seeing, fuzzy otherwise, about 2 delta mag and ~2"
05h 25m 11.28s +01° 55' 26.1" P.A. 321 sep 2.8 mag 7.74,8.90 Sp B8V dist. 543.48 pc (1772.83 l.y.)

A 848
AB: 203; 533x: Suspect elongation at 333x, at 533x I get a snowman, very definite with seeing. White stars, noticeable mag difference.
05h 25m 31.08s -00° 32' 38.2" P.A. 179.9 sep 0.34 mag 6.93,7.88 Sp B9pHgSi dist. 215.05 pc (701.49 l.y.)

STF 725 AB: 203; 333x: 31 Ori Large mag difference but since is wide separation it is easier to see. Bluish B vs bright light orange A.
05h 29m 43.98s -01° 05' 31.8" P.A. 88 sep 13 mag 4.69,9.70 Sp K5III dist. 155.76 pc (508.09 l.y.)

STF 712 AB: 203; 333x: More than 1 delta mag, light off-white A and slightly blue B, wide.
05h 26m 31.22s +02° 56' 09.3" P.A. 66 sep 3.2 mag 6.70,8.59 Sp B9.5V dist. 145.77 pc (475.5 l.y.)

Psi 2 Ori: 203; 333x: Bright white A and very much fainter four delta mag B. Both orange, separated pretty well but A' brightness makes it look closer

STF 728 AB: 203; 333x: 32 Ori White and off white pair, 1.5 delta mag, ~1.5". Nice and very clean with seeing
05h 30m 47.06s +05° 56' 53.3" P.A. 44 sep 1.35 mag 4.44,5.75 Sp B5V dist. 92.85 pc (302.88 l.y.)

STF 726 AB: 203; 333x: Very nice, unequal, ~1", 1 delta mag, very fine
05h 30m 51.75s +10° 15' 15.7" P.A. 264 sep 1.2 mag 7.90,8.59 Sp B9 dist. 4545.45 pc (14827.26 l.y.)

STF 738 AB: 203; 333x: Meissa. White pair, 2 delta mag, ~5". Bright clean white [not physical]
05h 35m 08.28s +09° 56' 03.0" P.A. 44 sep 4.3 mag 3.51,5.45 Sp O8III+B0V dist. 336.7 pc (1098.32 l.y.)

STF 774 AB: 203; 333x: Alnitak. Easy, 2 delta mag,~2", white
05h 40m 45.52s -01° 56' 33.3" P.A. 166.9 sep 2.17 mag 1.88,3.70 Sp O9.2Ib dist. 225.73 pc (736.33 l.y.)

STF 789 AB: 203 333x: Wide, 3 delta mag, ~15", B looks blue. [did not notice BC, A 2655, 13.7 mag B 1.1"]
05h 45m 01.80s +04° 00' 29.3" P.A. 150 sep 14 mag 6.13,10.17 Sp gF0n dist. 58.86 pc (192 l.y.)

STT 119
AB: 20" 533x Suspect elongations with 8" 533x & 20" 533x, but image not good enough. But I got a nice clean split with apodizing mask, nearly perfrect disks. Orange stars well split, <1", about 1 delta mag.
05h 47m 54.88s +07° 57' 37.5" P.A. 355 sep 0.7 mag 8.08,8.93 Sp F8 dist. 122.55 pc (399.76 l.y.)

STF 795 AB: 20" 533x: 52 Ori. Close but well split, near equal, ivory white. with apodising mask
05h 48m 00.21s +06° 27' 14.5" P.A. 220.5 sep 1 mag 5.99,6.03 Sp A5V dist. 165.02 pc (538.3 l.y.)

STT 123 AB: 20" 533x: Orange A and blue B, ~2.5", 2 delta mag
05h 54m 09.53s +10° 14' 39.4" P.A. 187 sep 2.1 mag 7.34,9.05 Sp G5 dist. 132.8 pc (433.19 l.y.)

A 2658 AB: 20" 533x: Hairline split, near equal pair, faint. With apodizing mask
05h 55m 00.02s +06° 13' 21.5" P.A. 73 sep 0.4 mag 10.18,10.30 Sp F5

STF 818 AB: 20" 533x: Fairly faint, wide, slightly blue, a small mag delta
05h 55m 19.45s +04° 42' 49.8" P.A. 277 sep 5.9 mag 9.84,10.06 Sp K0

STF 820 AB: 20" 333x: Pretty orange A and light orange B, wide, about 2 delta mag.
05h 55m 42.95s +08° 58' 57.9" P.A. 110 sep 5.1 mag 9.10,9.79 Sp G0

ARG 63 AB: 20" 333x: Wide, half delta mag. unremarkable [however it is a physical pair 432 LY away. A is a 0.5" pair with 12th mag B, worth a try on Challenger.]
05h 57m 08.58s +10° 13' 45.7" P.A. 68 sep 32.5 mag 8.69,9.09 Sp F2 dist. 132.45 pc (432.05 l.y.)

The moon was nearly full and casting off a lot of glare in the sky, but view was still good at 333x with a moon filter, 20".  I panned about the terminator and limb, naturally.  Among the detail seen were the Marius Hills, the first time I remember seeing them: a large group of volcanic cones, very rubbly looking with numerous rilles cutting through.  I also saw the strange oval bright marking Reiner Gamma, though I did not notice the swirl underneath it.  Sirsalis Rille was very impressive and long (it is the longest rille).  Plenty of fine features to occupy the eye.

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