Saturday, January 4, 2020

stars over tahoe

This week we had a brief vacation to Lake Tahoe.  We stayed on the west shore and the house we stayed at had access (albeit after a walk across Route 89) to a pier and a small beach.  I walked it a couple times during the day.  When driving home after a dinner out I noticed it was clear, and Orion shown huge, striding over the mountains.  So after returning I walked out onto the pier to have a look.  The sky was nice and dark, with plenty of stars shining, I would guess limiting magnitude of better than 6.5.  M31 was naked eye and I could just pick out M33.  Beetlejuice did not go supernova while I watched.

It all didn't last more than 10 minutes, though, as some high clouds rolled through.  A great experience, though, looking out at the sky from the end of a long pier, with the gentle waves of the lake breaking along the shore.  Elemental.

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