Wednesday, June 19, 2019

finally a decent session

Seeing & transparency were mediocre, however I did have my first "good" session with the 20" last night.  I modified the rear fan to attach it to the holding plate with silicone, and used cut-up mouse pad material as a barrier when screwing into the cell -- it seemed to improve the vibration but I turned the fans off during observation anyway.  I also added a focuser baffle.  I used the 8" off axis mask almost the whole time.  I need to relearn my separation estimates given the new aperture and magnifications I'm using.

STF 1639: 205x White and slightly blue pair; close, around 3"? [AB seen; AC much further out 91"]
12h 24m 26.81s +25° 34' 56.7" P.A. 322.8 sep 1.85 mag 6.74,7.83 Sp A7V+F4V dist. 90.25 pc (294.4 l.y.)
Sh 143: 205x Wide separation white and bluish, 3 delta mag.  Feel like there is a fainter star closer in and 90 degrees PA from the B star.  [AB is the fainter pair, 4.86/11.8 36.7"; AC is the main pair described.]
12h 22m 30.32s +25° 50' 46.3" P.A. 168 sep 59 mag 4.86,8.90 Sp G0III-+A3 dist. 90.33 pc (294.66 l.y.)
Hjl 1069: 205x Lovely wide pair, 2.5 delta mag.  Clean image.
12h 30m 19.91s +21° 56' 53.6" P.A. 312 sep 115.4 mag 7.85,10.12 Sp G7III dist. 139.28 pc (454.33 l.y.)
24 Com = STF 1657: 205x Very pretty bright light orange and fainter blue, wide separation.  Such a sight!
12h 35m 07.76s +18° 22' 37.4" P.A. 272 sep 20.4 mag 5.11,6.33 Sp K2III dist. 138.12 pc (450.55 l.y.)

STF 1687: 205x Rich light yellow and much fainter wide blue B.  Near M64.  [Need to re-observe.  I saw the wide AC, but not the AB which is 5.15/7.08 1.2"
12h 53m 17.77s +21° 14' 42.1" P.A. 200.9 sep 1.18 mag 5.15,7.08 Sp G7III dist. 86.81 pc (283.17 l.y.)
Met 9: 8" 205x nothing.  8" 410x suspect elongation.  667x see a fleeting, bluish point just outside of first diffraction ring.  A is light yellow orange and bright; 2 delta mag. to B.  A feels elongated / egg shaped.  At 20" and 667x the seeing is too messy though there is a knot in the diffraction where I had noticed the point with 8".  Strong feeling A is elongated.
12h 54m 39.98s +22° 06' 28.8" P.A. 51 sep 1.7 mag 5.70,7.77 Sp F8V+M2-3V dist. 33.85 pc (110.42 l.y.)

39 Com = Cou 11: 8" 667x: Probably 3" separation, 2 delta mag. [mis-judged the separation]
13h 06m 21.28s +21° 09' 12.6" P.A. 314 sep 1.8 mag 6.10,8.75 Sp F4V dist. 49.68 pc (162.06 l.y.)

Bgh 46: 13x Wide finder split, 1 delta mag, not much to recommend.  Triangle of stars to the south, pointing to Bgh 46.  [I did look at this at 667x to see if one of the wide pair had a pair of its own, but did not scrutinize well enough.  This one should try on a really good night with 20": HDS1862 = Aa,Ab 6.56/9.69 0.4".]
13h 16m 32.26s +19° 47' 07.0" P.A. 58 sep 203.1 mag 6.46,7.59 Sp A3+A2 dist. 85.4 pc (278.57 l.y.)

Bu 800: 8" Lovely yellow and orange, very pretty; wide separation, 2.5 delta mag. [AB seen]
13h 16m 51.05s +17° 01' 01.9" P.A. 104.8 sep 7.79 mag 6.66,9.50 Sp K1V+M1V dist. 11.07 pc (36.11 l.y.) 

STF 1884: 8" 333x: White, fairly close ~3", half delta mag.
14h 48m 23.37s +24° 22' 01.0" P.A. 56 sep 2.3 mag 6.58,7.48 Sp F8IV-V dist. 84.67 pc (276.19 l.y.)
Izar = STF 1887: 8" 333x: A yellow, messy with seeing; B nice light blue and clean.  A seems egg shaped, slightly elongated perpendicular to B's PA. [No second star with A.  I wonder if elongation is coming from the mask being vignetted , or maybe astigmatism?]
13h 54m 57.46s +87° 23' 44.1" P.A. 226 sep 3.3 mag 9.18,11.20 Sp B9 dist. 176.99 pc (577.34 l.y.)

Cou 610: [I tried this one a year ago with the 30"]  8" 667x: Notched/snowman at best moments.  B definitely fainter and almost blue.  Very faintly split, looks like a blue appendage.  20" too messy.
15h 32m 55.78s +31° 21' 32.9" P.A. 199 sep 0.8 mag 4.27,6.29 Sp B6Vnne dist. 115.07 pc (375.36 l.y.)

STF 1967 = Gamma CrB: Definite mis-shape, oval to egg.  8" 667x.  [a great catch at 0.22"!]
15h 42m 44.57s +26° 17' 44.3" P.A. 104.6 sep 0.22 mag 4.04,5.60 Sp B9V+A3V dist. 44.78 pc (146.07 l.y.)

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