Saturday, July 13, 2024

6 july 2024

A good, if short night.  Seeing was variable, sometimes pretty good, other times choppy.  I used the 20-inch for some observations, but was mostly masked to 7-inches.  Continued the CDSA lightly physical list.  I was a bit tired, and seeing wasn't getting any better, so wrapped up after an hour.

STF1888 AB: 178; 200x: Beautiful yellow A and orange B, 3 Dm, well separated. 41% PRO, 49 AU WS, 0.9+0.6 Msol, RVD 1.5 < EV 7.3, SOC grade 2 orbit 152.9-year period, it will tighten over the next 20 years but still be 2.5" separated, since the binary is only 22 light years distant from us.
14h 51m 23.38s +19° 06' 01.7" P.A. 296.00 sep 5.0 mag 4.76,6.95 Sp G8V+K5V dist. 6.71 pc (21.89 l.y.)
STF1886 AB: 178; 150x: White A and slightly orange B, well separated, 2 Dm.  69% PRO, 234 AU WS, 1.0+0.6 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
14h 51m 02.31s +09° 43' 25.2" P.A. 224.00 sep 7.9 mag 7.61,9.73 Sp K0 dist. 29.44 pc (96.03 l.y.)

STF1884 AB: 178; 150x: White stars, 1 Dm, close separation.   -45% PRO, it is not binary.
14h 48m 23.37s +24° 22' 01.0" P.A. 55.00 sep 2.3 mag 6.58,7.48 Sp F8IV-V dist. 84.67 pc (276.19 l.y.)

STF1881 AB: 178; 150x: White stars, 2 Dm, well separated. 39% PRO, 500 AU WS, 2.5+1.4 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
14h 47m 05.35s +00° 58' 15.2" sep 3.5 mag 6.74,8.81 Sp B9.5V dist. 132.98 pc (433.78 l.y.)

STF1877 AB: 48; 150x: Izar.  With only 2-inch aperture at f/50, the stars are very well defined if with large airy disks, orange A and blue B, 4 Dm, well separated.  No Gaia data for the companion.
14h 44m 59.14s +27° 04' 29.9" P.A. 347.00 sep 2.9 mag 2.58,4.81 Sp K0II-III dist. 62.11 pc (202.6 l.y.)

STF1883 AB: 178; 200x: Near equal, pale white stars, split with 150x, but best seen 250x. No Gaia data for the primary.  SOC grade 2 orbit, 225.5-year orbit, it will turn a little more westward in the next 20 years.
14h 48m 53.22s +05° 57' 15.9" P.A. 277.00 sep 1.1 mag 7.02,8.95 Sp F6V dist. 55.59 pc (181.33 l.y.)
A  1110 AB: 380; 480x: Using a 15-inch aperture mask, these are slightly unequal light orange stars, good clean split.  No Gaia data for the secondary.
14h 49m 42.18s +07° 59' 12.3" P.A. 242.00 sep 0.7 mag 7.69,7.93 Sp F5+F8III dist. 132.28 pc (431.5 l.y.)

H 6  51 AB: 80; 24x: 1 Dm, very wide, finder observation.  -21% PRO, it is not binary.
14h 57m 33.25s -00° 10' 03.4" P.A. 223.00 sep 85.7 mag 5.64,10.36 Sp K1III dist. 89.37 pc (291.52 l.y.)

STFA 27 AB: 80; 24x: 4 Dm, extremely wide, finder.  50% PRO, 3,870 AU WS, 2.8+1.0 Msol, there is some chance it's binary and an orbit should be tried.  
15h 15m 30.16s +33° 18' 53.4" P.A. 78.00 sep 105.0 mag 3.56,7.89 Sp G8III+G0V dist. 37.34 pc (121.8 l.y.)

STFA 28 AB: 80; 24; Very extremely wide, 1 Dm, finder.  42% PRO, 3,965 AU WS, 2.3+1.0 Msol, there is a small chance it's binary and an orbit should be tried.
15h 24m 29.54s +37° 22' 37.1" P.A. 171.00 sep 109.2 mag 4.33,7.09 Sp F2IVa+G0V dist. 34.69 pc (113.16 l.y.)

WNO 47 AB: N/A; N/A: Not observed.  81% PRO, 1,007 AU WS, 0.8+0.2 Msol, but RVD 5.3 > EV 1.3, it is not binary.
16h 04m 56.79s +39° 09' 23.4" P.A. 280.00 sep 70.0 mag 6.66,12.86 Sp G8V+M4V dist. 14.52 pc (47.36 l.y.)

STF2032 AB: 178; 150x: Bright pale white A, wide 1 Dm B.  9% PRO, 159 AU WS, 1.3+1.0 Msol, it is probably binary.  SOC grade 4 orbit, 656-year period. 
16h 14m 40.85s +33° 51' 31.0" P.A. 240.00 sep 7.2 mag 5.62,6.49 Sp G0V+G1V dist. 21.08 pc (68.76 l.y.)
STF2022 AB 178; 200x: Excellent pair.  White A and much fainter B resolves on A's diffraction ring as a hard little point.  -35% PRO, it is not binary.
16h 12m 45.46s +26° 40' 14.0" P.A. 153.00 sep 2.5 mag 6.54,10.03 Sp F2V dist. 73.26 pc (238.97 l.y.)

STF2029 AB: 178; 150x: Half delta magnitude, wide white pair.  10% PRO, 905 AU WS, 1.9+1.3 Msol, and RVD 1.7 < EV 2.5, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
16h 13m 47.82s +28° 43' 55.9" P.A. 187.00 sep 6.0 mag 7.95,9.62 Sp F4IV dist. 133.16 pc (434.37 l.y.)

STF2109 AB: 178; 150x: Bright white A and 4 Dm wide B.  19% PRO, 1,182 AU WS, 2.7+1.2 Msol, but RVD 3.5 > EV 2.4 it is not binary.
16h 53m 45.78s +21° 10' 22.6" P.A. 312.00 sep 5.9 mag 7.52,10.30 Sp K0 dist. 188.68 pc (615.47 l.y.)

HO  399 AB: 178; 150x: Could not see B at first, so used full 20-inch aperture to find it and notice the position angle, through the star images were distorted.  Masked down to 7-inch and after averted vision, looking in the correct position angle, could very faintly see B, wide.  3% PRO, 622 AU WS, 2.2+1.0 Msol, RVD 2.6 < EV 3.0, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.
15h 55m 25.81s +29° 32' 13.5" P.A. 116.00 sep 3.6 mag 7.68,10.49 Sp A2V dist. 154.8 pc (504.96 l.y.)

STT 312 AB: 178; 150x: 5 Dm, wide.  69% PRO, 138 AU WS, 2.9+0.7 Msol, it is likely binary and needs an orbit.  
16h 23m 59.51s +61° 30' 50.7" P.A. 142.00 sep 4.7 mag 2.80,8.20 Sp G8III+K1V dist. 28.23 pc (92.09 l.y.)

A  1874 AB: 178; 150x: Very faint B, 3 Dm, wide pair.  23% PRO, 90 AU WS, 0.7+0.4 Msol, RVD 2.2 < EV 4.6, it is likely binary and needs an orbit
16h 57m 53.18s +47° 22' 00.0" P.A. 64.00 sep 5.0 mag 7.93,10.85 Sp K0V dist. 18.3 pc (59.69 l.y.)

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