STF1576 AB: 178; 150x: Near equal wide pair. WDS says proper motion indicates physical, but more pertenently there is 50% parallax range overlap, a small 833 AU weighted separation, and 1.5+1.4 Msol, so it likely is binary.
11h 52m 52.60s +30° 49' 38.4" P.A. 241.00 sep 5.3 mag 9.11,9.45 Sp F5 dist. 163.67 pc (533.89 l.y.)
STF1586 AB: 178; 300x: Very challenging, split with seeing, about 1 Dm. WDS says physical, and there is 82% parallax range overlap, only 285 AU weighted separation, and 1.8+1.2 Msol, so they are likely binary.
11h 56m 53.86s +40° 21' 21.5" P.A. 255.00 sep 1.5 mag 8.83,10.37 Sp F8 dist. 147.49 pc (481.11 l.y.)
STF1585 AB: 178; 150x: Very faint B, 2 Dm, wide. WDS uncertain, however there is 86% parallax range overlap, 1,516 AU weighted separation, and 2.3+1.4 Msol, so they are likely binary.
11h 56m 40.53s +41° 01' 30.2" P.A. 106.00 sep 5.5 mag 8.79,11.08 Sp K0III dist. 386.1 pc (1259.46 l.y.)
STF1569 AB: 178; 150x: White A and 2 Dm well split B, around 4"
11h 44m 18.43s +39° 00' 24.5" P.A. 321.00 sep 3.7 mag 8.83,10.59 Sp F0 dist. 307.69 pc (1003.68 l.y.)
STF1542 AB: 178; 205x: Around 3 Dm, 3" separated, white A and blue B, split with 150x but best seen at 205x. WDS says physical, however there is no -9% overlap in parallax ranges, in spite of the 285 AU weighted separation, this is not binary.
11h 27m 56.02s +44° 33' 57.0" P.A. 265.00 sep 3.5 mag 6.93,9.65 Sp F2V dist. 88.89 pc (289.96 l.y.)
STF1574 AB: 178; 150x: Faint wide B, barely seen with direct vision, brigher with averted. WDS says not physical, and there is -18% parallax range overlap, so it is not binary.
11h 51m 14.21s +44° 04' 49.7" P.A. 6.00 sep 9.4 mag 9.60,12.30 Sp G
STF1391 AB: 178; 150x: Wide, 1 Dm. WDS says parallax indicates physical, and there is 85% overlap of parallax ranges, 2,769 AU weighted separation, and 1.7+1.1 Msol. However the radial velocity delta 5.6 exceeds the escape velocity 1.3, so this is not a binary pair.
09h 55m 57.22s +51° 11' 27.2" P.A. 316.00 sep 13.4 mag 9.10,10.94 Sp F5
STF1461 AB; 178; 150x: White A and 2 Dm B, wide. WDS says physical, but there is -10% parallax range overlap, it is not binary.
10h 41m 59.31s +46° 38' 59.7" P.A. 137.00 sep 9.1 mag 8.61,10.31 Sp A5V dist. 423.73 pc (1382.21 l.y.)
BU 1074 AB: 178; 300x: Needed higher magnification and averted vision to see the B star, can briefly hold it with direct vision, very closely split, light yellow bright A star. WDS uncertain, and sadly there is -58% parallax range overlap, it is not binary. Burnham discovered with the Lick 36-inch.
10h 35m 31.24s +45° 39' 13.4" P.A. 208.00 sep 2.6 mag 7.20,11.20 Sp K2III dist. 206.61 pc (673.96 l.y.)
STF1483 AB: 178; 150x: Very fine, slightly unequal pair, around 2" separation. WDS uncertain, but there is -31% parallax range overlap, it is not binary.
10h 54m 30.84s +47° 29' 35.8" P.A. 243.00 sep 2.3 mag 9.52,9.61 Sp G5 dist. 52.85 pc (172.4 l.y.)
STF1484 AB: 178; 150x: White A and very faint B which brightens with averted vision, wide. WDS says it's not physical, and there is -93% parallax range overlap, it is not binary.
10h 54m 36.71s +45° 27' 57.3" P.A. 4.00 sep 18.3 mag 10.10,12.60 Sp K0
STF1541 AB: 178; 150x: Easy pair, well separated, >2 Dm, white A. WDS says proper motion indicates physical, however there is -14% parallax range overlap, it is not likely binary.
11h 27m 39.46s +46° 17' 33.4" P.A. 27.00 sep 7.8 mag 7.97,10.13 Sp F8 dist. 89.29 pc (291.26 l.y.)
11h 27m 39.46s +46° 17' 33.4" P.A. 27.00 sep 7.8 mag 7.97,10.13 Sp F8 dist. 89.29 pc (291.26 l.y.)
STF1525 AB: 178; 150x: Very fine, near equal, nice close split around 2". WDS uncertain, but there is 65% parallax range overlap, 521 AU weighted separation, 1.6+1.5 Msol, so it is likely binary.
11h 19m 29.37s +47° 28' 12.6" P.A. 173.00 sep 2.3 mag 9.90,9.93 Sp F5 dist. 325.73 pc (1062.53 l.y.)
STF1581 AB: 178; 205x: Fine split, 1 Dm, around 2" separation. WDS uncertain, but there is -27% parallax range overlap, it is not binary.
11h 56m 06.32s +45° 32' 44.8" P.A. 171.00 sep 2.5 mag 9.80,10.44 Sp F8 dist. 381.68 pc (1245.04 l.y.)
STF1561 AB: 178; 150x: Easy 2 Dm pair, light yellow A and light orange B, wide. Several other faint and wide components. WDS has an orbital solution with a 1584-year period, but there is -65% parallax range overlap, it simply is not binary.
11h 38m 44.90s +45° 06' 30.3" P.A. 245.50 sep 8.9 mag 6.53,8.23 Sp G0V dist. 23.25 pc (75.84 l.y.)
STF1570 AB: 178; 150x: Near equal, white, wide. WDS says parallax indicates physical, but there is -48% parallax range overlap, it is not binary.
11h 45m 32.15s +45° 36' 13.1" P.A. 49.00 sep 10.9 mag 8.86,9.60 Sp F0 dist. 110.74 pc (361.23 l.y.)
STF1519 AB: 178; 205x: Split at 150x but better seen at 205x, 2 Dm and 2" split, really nice. WDS uncertain, but there is 53% parallax range overlap, only 306 AU weighted separation, 1.8+1.4 Msol, so it is likely binary.
11h 15m 36.65s +59° 46' 43.4" P.A. 289.00 sep 1.5 mag 9.03,9.95 Sp F5 dist. 250.63 pc (817.56 l.y.)
STF1572 AB: 178; 205x: White, wide, 1 Dm. WDS says parallax indicates physical, and for once they are correct. 47% parallax range overlap, 1,420 AU weighted separation, 1.3+1.0 Msol, and the 0.8 radial velocity delta is less than the 1.7 escape velocity, it is binary.
11h 47m 00.74s +53° 17' 06.9" P.A. 289.00 sep 10.3 mag 9.46,10.79 Sp G dist. 160.26 pc (522.77 l.y.)
STF1192 AB: 178; 150x: Light yellow A and orange B, around 3 Dm. WDS says physical, and there is 18% parallax range overlap, 437 AU weighted separation, 2.8+1.3 Msol, so it likely is binary.
08h 15m 50.52s +60° 22' 50.1" P.A. 256.00 sep 2.7 mag 6.51,10.06 Sp A7Vm dist. 151.29 pc (493.51 l.y.)
STF1303 AB: 178; 150x: Very fine faint pair, almost 2 Dm, 2" separation. WDS says not physical, however there is 50% parallax range overlap, only 491 AU weighted separation, 1.6+1.2 Msol, but low proper motion vector, it is possible they are binary.
09h 07m 41.04s +64° 59' 06.0" P.A. 282.00 sep 2.8 mag 9.22,10.43 Sp F8 dist. 138.7 pc (452.44 l.y.)
STF1363 AB: 178; 150x: Bright white A and very much fainter B which was seen with averted vision at first then held direct, wide separarion. WDS uncertain, and there is 1% parallax range overlap, 880 AU weighted separation, 1.6+0.8 Msol, with a good proper motion vector -- this might be binary.
09h 35m 14.09s +60° 53' 30.5" P.A. 356.00 sep 10.8 mag 7.32,10.62 Sp F0 dist. 75.64 pc (246.74 l.y.)
STF1345 AB: 178; 150x: Excellent pair, split close, about 2 Dm, white A and lightly orange B. WDS uncertain, but there is 66% parallax range overlap, 660 AU weighted separation, 1.9+1.5 Msol, though a poor proper motion vector -- it is possible this is binary.
09h 26m 57.20s +64° 20' 35.7" P.A. 85.00 sep 2.9 mag 8.84,10.27 Sp A2 dist. 289.86 pc (945.52 l.y.)
STF1407 A faint for a struce, noticable mag different, fairly wid. WDS says physical, and there is 44% parallax range overlap, 857 AU weighted separaion, 1.3+1.1 Msol, however the radial velocity delta 3.0 exceeds the escape velocity, 2.2, so this is likely not binary.
10h 09m 01.98s +64° 26' 40.6" P.A. 51.00 sep 4.9 mag 10.17,10.63 Sp K7 dist. 176.06 pc (574.31 l.y.)
STF1306 AB: 178; 150x: Light yellow A and orange B, very large Dm about 4 Dm, nice close separation around 4". WDS gives a grade 4 orbital solution with a 920-year period, but there is -36% parallax range overlap, it is not binary.
09h 10m 23.53s +67° 08' 03.3" P.A. 346.00 sep 4.6 mag 4.87,8.85 Sp F7V dist. 20.38 pc (66.48 l.y.)
STF1350 AB: 178; 150x: Equal magnitude, well split pair. WDS says not physical, but there is 28% parallax range overlap, 1,939 AU weighted separation, 2.0+2.0 Msol, so it is possibly binary.
09h 34m 19.56s +66° 47' 42.3" P.A. 249.00 sep 10.2 mag 8.26,8.31 Sp F4V+F6V dist. 225.73 pc (736.33 l.y.)
STF1469 AB: 178; 150x: White A and faint B just seen with direct vision. WDS uncertain, but there is 74% parallax range overlap, only 892 AU weighted separation, 1.5+0.8 Msol, and the radial velocity delta 0.6 is less than the escape velocity 2.2, so it is highly likely to be binary.
10h 47m 43.86s +65° 27' 36.4" P.A. 324.00 sep 10.9 mag 7.74,10.42 Sp F8V dist. 86.88 pc (283.4 l.y.)
STF1514 AB: 178; 150x: Extremely fine pair, just split, significant delta about 1 Dm, really nice. WDS is uncertain, but there is 10% parallax range overlap, 367 AU weighted separation, 1.9+1.4 Msol, so it is possible to be binary.
11h 11m 38.55s +66° 06' 48.0" P.A. 342.00 sep 1.3 mag 9.49,10.64 Sp F2
STF1313 AB: 178; 150x: Exceptionally fine points of faint stars, just barely split, slight magnitude difference. WDS gives a grade 5 orbital solution with a 1469-year period, however there is -82% parallax range overlap, this is not binary.
09h 13m 45.13s +69° 58' 47.4" P.A. 284.30 sep 1.1 mag 9.39,9.55 Sp G5 dist. 364.96 pc (1190.5 l.y.)
STF1400 AB: 178; 150x: Light orange stars, near equal, about 4". WDS says physical, and there is 76% parallax range overlap, 243 AU weighted separaion, 1.3+0.8 Msol, and the radial velocity delta 1.7 is less than the escape velocity 3.9, so it is possibly binary.
10h 02m 56.49s +68° 47' 09.3" P.A. 225.00 sep 3.6 mag 8.02,9.77 Sp F5 dist. 61.73 pc (201.36 l.y.)
STF1386 AB: 178; 150x: Very fine light orange pair, near equal, split about 2" separated. Double-double with STF1387 nearby. WDS grade 5 orbital solution with a 2301-year period, however there is -56% parallax range overlap, it is not binary.
09h 55m 04.02s +68° 54' 06.1" P.A. 111.10 sep 2.1 mag 9.30,9.34 Sp F5 dist. 168.92 pc (551.02 l.y.)
09h 55m 04.02s +68° 54' 06.1" P.A. 111.10 sep 2.1 mag 9.30,9.34 Sp F5 dist. 168.92 pc (551.02 l.y.)
STF1387 CD: 178; 150x: Wide, near equal faint stars, STF1386 in the same field. WDS says physical, and there is 31% parallax range overlap, 932 AU weighted separation, 0.9+0.9 Msol, so it may be binary.
09h 55m 02.78s +68° 56' 22.5" P.A. 274.00 sep 9.0 mag 10.73,10.67 Sp G dist. 76.75 pc (250.36 l.y.)
STF1398 AB: 178; 150x: Very light orange-yellow A and 3 Dm B, closely split. WDS says physical with a linear solution, but there is -96% parallax range overlap, it is not binary.
10h 01m 32.06s +68° 43' 05.1" P.A. 102.00 sep 4.1 mag 8.09,11.39 Sp F0 dist. 159.24 pc (519.44 l.y.)
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