Tuesday, August 10, 2021

9 august 2021

I needed to cut last night short as one of the family was not feeling well. It wasn't a particularly great night -- it was transparent, but seeing was average to poor and only moderately improved later in the night.  Used the 7-inch mask most of the time.

BU 420 AB: 178; 205x: Very, very fine pair of faint stars, about 2" separation and 1 delta mag.  Burnham discovered in 1872 with his 6-inch at 4.0" and called it "Probably fixed" -- though it has narrowed to 1.8" since!  WDS uncertain after 33 measures.  They do not share the same parallax range.
18h 30m 01.39s +37° 09' 44.1" P.A. 274.00 sep 1.8 mag 9.79,11.28 Sp F2

TRA 1 AB: 178; 205x: Appeared as an ordinary white star.  There was no secondary listed in SkyTools so I didn't know what to look for, and didn't notice the 11.90 B star listed in WDS (it was probably too faint for 7-inch anyway).  TRA is Veselka Trajkovska who has this one discovery to her name (but numerous measurements made of other stars) using the 25-inch refractor at the Belgrade Observatory.  The B star might not be in Gaia, but if I have it correctly it is 13.02 mag and they do not share the same parallax range, so they are not gravitationally bound.
18h 37m 53.41s +35° 05' 44.8" P.A. 164.00 sep 9.4 mag 8.47,11.90 Sp K0 dist. 251.26 pc (819.61 l.y.)

HU 945 AB: 508; 205x: Fine split, around half a mag delta, about 1" separation.  WDS uncertain, but they do not share the same parallax range, not gravitationally bound.
19h 32m 08.62s +32° 21' 06.9" P.A. 24.00 sep 1.2 mag 9.75,10.39 Sp A5

HU 946 AB: 508; 205x: Easy light yellow A and bluish B, wide, 2 delta.  Not physical.
19h 32m 22.44s +34° 17' 02.6" P.A. 214.00 sep 8.7 mag 8.21,9.93 Sp G0

HU 949 AB: 508; 667x: Hairline split at 533x, nice clean split at 667x, 1 delta mag.  WDS uncertain, I don not find data for the B star in Gaia.
19h 33m 28.96s +33° 05' 23.6" P.A. 87.00 sep 0.5 mag 9.75,9.63 Sp F8

HJ 1414 AB: 508; 205x: Very pretty yellow and blue stars, wide, 1 delta.  Almost didn't look since it's a wide Herschel.  Unfortunately it is not physical.
19h 33m 32.75s +36° 10' 14.1" P.A. 33.00 sep 14.3 mag 9.43,10.77

STT 376 AB: 508; 205x: White A and 2 delta ruddy B, well separated.  WDS uncertain; they do not share the same parallax range, so not gravitational.
19h 35m 07.46s +34° 11' 59.5" P.A. 237.00 sep 2.9 mag 7.56,10.41 Sp A2 dist. 129.7 pc (423.08 l.y.)

AG 234 AB: 508; 205x: White near equal, nice split.  Not physical.
19h 35m 39.62s +36° 17' 20.9" P.A. 320.00 sep 2.7 mag 9.99,10.16

STT 377 AB: 508; 333x: White equal stars, elongated at 205x, cleanly split with 333x.  WDS uncertain; unfortunately they do not share parallax ranges, so not gravitational.
19h 36m 17.16s +35° 39' 34.4" P.A. 34.00 sep 0.9 mag 9.37,9.42 Sp A0

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