Saturday, July 24, 2021

21 july 2021

Seeing was rather poor last night, so I stayed with the 7-inch mask for all but one observation.  There was a nearly full moon and haze thickened through the session, which I ended at 11:30pm.  I trimmed some branches from the apricot tree so I could see Lyra, which was well placed, so I spent the session there.  Pretty good overall!

STF2304 AB: 178; 205x: Faint pair, so the colors might be a little exaggerated.  Ice blue A and reddish B, wide.  Spectral is K0, yellow-orange.  WDS says it's physical, and it looks that way: only 5% parallax overlap, but a 1,790 AU separation, and the A star stellar mass is 2.6 and B is 1.9.  The difference in radial velocity is less than the escape velocity, so it may well be gravitationally bound.
18h 17m 06.98s +40° 15' 21.2" P.A. 70.00 sep 5.2 mag 8.75,9.75 Sp K0 dist. 275.48 pc (898.62 l.y.)

ES 2110 AB: 178; 205x: B is seen with averted vision only, white.  WDS uncertain; there is no parallax overlap so it is not.
18h 20m 58.41s +36° 30' 18.9" P.A. 96.00 sep 6.4 mag 9.30,10.80 Sp F5

BU 134 AB: 178; 205x: I get hints of a faint brightening in A's diffraction, but no resolution.  Seeing won't bear higher powers.  WDS uncertain; there is no parallax overlap, so surprisingly this is not physical.  Burnham "discovered" in 1851 with his 6-inch at 1.1", but notes: "it had been seen before at Poulkowa, and is STT 543."
18h 25m 17.50s +46° 53' 07.4" P.A. 126.00 sep 1.0 mag 7.99,9.70 Sp B9.5V dist. 227.27 pc (741.35 l.y.)

STF2328 AB: 178; 205x: Well split, almost wide, slight delta mag, white.  Near a brighter orange star.  WDS says "parallax indicates physical" but in fact there is no overlap in the parallax range, -78%.  
18h 29m 27.87s +29° 55' 27.2" P.A. 71.00 sep 3.6 mag 9.00,9.50 Sp A2

STF2338 AB: 178; 205x: Faint wide companion.  Not physical.
18h 30m 54.75s +38° 39' 33.8" P.A. 301.00 sep 12.1 mag 9.30,11.20 Sp K2

STF2335 AB: 178; 205x: Three stars, the more closely separated (but still wide) B is seen with averted vision.  White stars, around 2 delta mag, wide.  Not physical.
18h 30m 54.06s +34° 16' 30.9" P.A. 318.00 sep 11.7 mag 9.33,10.70 Sp F9V

SLE 209 AB: 178; 205x: Light yellow-orange star.  With seeing and averted vision, a small point at A'd diffraction ring appears, >2 delta mag and slightly more than 1" separation.  Not physical.
18h 33m 55.17s +32° 07' 50.5" P.A. 26.00 sep 10.3 mag 8.22,12.00 Sp K0

STF2351 AB: 178; 205x: White, <1 delta mag, wide.  WDS uncertain; there is a -15% parallax overlap, so not physical.
18h 36m 12.00s +41° 16' 41.2" P.A. 161.00 sep 5.0 mag 7.60,7.64 Sp A1V+A0V dist. 206.61 pc (673.96 l.y.)

STF2349 AB: 178; 205x: Bright white A, B is a ghostly grey, faint but seen with direct vision, well separated.  WDS is uncertain; there is a 38% parallax overlap, 1,188 AU weighted separation, and the stellar masses are high, 3.58 & 1.22 -- so it may well be gravitationally bound.
18h 36m 37.34s +33° 28' 08.5" P.A. 204.00 sep 7.2 mag 5.39,9.40 Sp B8II-IIIp dist. 154.56 pc (504.17 l.y.)

STF2362 AB: 178; 205x: White A and light yellow B, wide, about 1.5 delta mag.  WDS is uncertain; there is 27% parallax overlap, a close 428 AU weighted separation, and sizable mass 1.72 & 1.32 -- it may well be gravitationally bound.
18h 38m 25.70s +36° 03' 11.3" P.A. 187.00 sep 4.4 mag 7.53,8.72 Sp A5 dist. 105.26 pc (343.36 l.y.)

STF2356 AB: 178; 205x: Exquisite!  Just split, 1 delta mag so it looks like a split snowman, light orange stars. Very nice.  WDS uncertain.  Sadly there is no parallax overlap, -33%, so these are not gravitational.
18h 38m 22.51s +28° 41' 49.7" P.A. 63.00 sep 1.0 mag 8.79,9.23 Sp F0 dist. 598.8 pc (1953.29 l.y.)

STF2358 AB: 178; 205x: Faint, near equal, very close but still split.  WDS uncertain; there is no parallax overlap.
18h 38m 35.04s +30° 43' 20.1" P.A. 224.00 sep 2.5 mag 9.81,10.19 Sp F8

STF2367 AB-C: 178; 205x: Light yellow-orange A and light blue B, >1 delta mag, very wide.  (Need to return to this one, AB is a short 94-year period 0.45", nearing apastron.)  WDS calls AB-C physical on the similar proper motions, unfortunately there is no parallax data for A.
18h 41m 16.36s +30° 17' 40.9" P.A. 192.00 sep 14.1 mag 7.05,8.75 Sp G3IV dist. 136.05 pc (443.8 l.y.)

STF2371 AB: 178; 205x: Easy near equal white pair.  WDS uncertain, but there is 34% parallax overlap, 6,674 AU weighted separation, which is kind of far, but stellar masses are 2.80 & 2.63, so maybe enough.  No radial velocity data.
18h 42m 12.44s +27° 38' 32.3" P.A. 56.00 sep 10.0 mag 9.68,9.96 Sp A0

STF2378 AB: 178; 205x: 1 delta, white, wide.  WDS says its physical due to parallax, and indeed I find 62% overlap in the parallax ranges and a 3,228 AU weighted separation, stellar masses 2.13 & 1.67 -- so may be gravitational.  No radial velocity data.
18h 43m 21.93s +35° 32' 55.3" P.A. 190.00 sep 11.5 mag 8.91,9.88 Sp A dist. 153.14 pc (499.54 l.y.)

STF2374 AB: 178; 205x: 1 delta mag, white, wide.  Not physical.
18h 43m 27.56s +27° 42' 54.6" P.A. 40.00 sep 13.4 mag 9.64,10.43 Sp F2

WEB 7 AB: 178; 205x: Near equal, white, wide, fairly faint.  WDS says physical from proper motions.  There is 34% parallax range overlap, a far 8,343 AU weighted separation, but higher stellar masses 2.94 and 2.57, so it might be gravitational.  Time will tell.
18h 44m 47.67s +44° 57' 37.8" P.A. 50.00 sep 11.3 mag 9.55,10.35 Sp A5

STF2395 AB: 178; 205x: White A and light blue B.  B is pretty faint, just barely seen direct.  WDS says physical, but there is -23% parallax overlap, so that's incorrect.
18h 45m 03.66s +46° 08' 07.5" P.A. 308.00 sep 8.5 mag 7.89,10.49 Sp A0 dist. 236.97 pc (773 l.y.)

STF2381 AB: 178; 205x: White A and light blue B, wide.  WDS says physical, but again no parallax overlap -3%.
18h 45m 30.77s +28° 15' 24.3" P.A. 122.00 sep 8.9 mag 8.27,10.36 Sp G8III/IV dist. 259.74 pc (847.27 l.y.)

HU 936 AB: 178; 205x: Excellent pair, clean and precise split with seeing, near equal blue-white stars, nicely split.   Struve should have got this.  WDS uncertain, I find no parallax range overlap.
18h 48m 42.19s +34° 01' 04.8" P.A. 101.00 sep 1.8 mag 9.66,9.85 Sp F8

POP 44 AB: 178; 205x: Faint pair, wide, noticeable delta.  WDS says physical, but there is -54% parallax overlap, so it is not.
18h 49m 33.16s +35° 11' 46.2" P.A. 230.00 sep 9.7 mag 10.62,12.30

STT 525 AB: 178; 205x: Extremely fine point shows just outside bright white A's first diffraction, only with best seeing and when A is a perfect disk.  WDS uncertain, however unfortunately there is -34% parallax overlap, it is not physical.
18h 54m 52.52s +33° 58' 06.9" P.A. 130.00 sep 1.8 mag 6.14,9.12 Sp A8+G5III dist. 358.42 pc (1169.17 l.y.)

STF2427 BC: 178; 205x: AB are near equal and wide, BC is very slightly fainter, well split itself. It appears as a slightly hooking line of three stars.  9 stars in the system.  WDS says this is physical due to parallax, and it appears it is: 3% of range overlap but it's only 549 AU separated, stellar mass 0.90/0.85, and the radial velocity delta is less than the escape velocity.
18h 58m 08.22s +38° 13' 47.6" P.A. 79.00 sep 7.2 mag 9.93,10.20 Sp K0

DA 9 AB: 178; 205x: I've seen this a few times, always a challenge in different apertures.  Very fine white point outside bright white A's diffraction, with seeing.  WDS says physical but sadly there is -5% parallax range overlap, not gravitationally bound.
19h 04m 15.72s +43° 52' 49.5" P.A. 172.00 sep 2.0 mag 7.05,10.22 Sp A0V dist. 233.64 pc (762.13 l.y.)

STF2453 AB: 178; 205x: White A and pretty wide faint B.  Not physical.
19h 05m 05.80s +40° 07' 33.1" P.A. 85.00 sep 13.4 mag 8.55,10.63 Sp A2 dist. 143.06 pc (466.66 l.y.)

ZUL 1 AB: 508; 205x: Discovered in 1984.  Elongated smear with 7-inch, with the 20-inch I had nicely split light yellow-orange near equal stars.  Very pretty.  D.J. Zulevic, of Serbia, who has two discoveries.  No data on the B star in Gaia.
19h 06m 34.88s +33° 55' 03.4" P.A. 165.00 sep 1.4 mag 10.50,10.50 

STF2469 AB: 178; 205x: Only get an elongation at this aperture, a bit too close and faint.  WDS uncertain, but its chances are good, 30% parallax overlap, 181 AU separation, 1.85/1.43 stellar mass.
19h 07m 47.60s +38° 55' 41.6" P.A. 126.00 sep 1.3 mag 7.93,9.13 Sp A3 dist. 139.08 pc (453.68 l.y.)

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