STF1596 AB; 80; 94x: 2 Com. I think last night I noted the incorrect star. This one is really nice, 2 delta mag, orange and blue, close but nicely split.
12h 04m 16.60s +21° 27' 33.0" P.A. 236.00 sep 3.7 mag 6.18,7.48 Sp F0IV-V dist. 101.01 pc (329.49 l.y.)
STF1657 AB: 80; 94x: 24 Com. Lovely bright orange A and blue B, wide. Very deserving of its showcase reputation.
12h 35m 07.76s +18° 22' 37.4" P.A. 272.00 sep 20.2 mag 5.11,6.33 Sp K2III dist. 138.12 pc (450.55 l.y.)
STF 1633: 80; 94x: Close, equal white stars.
12h 20m 41.37s +27° 03' 16.4" P.A. 245.00 sep 9.0 mag 7.04,7.13 Sp F3V+F3V dist. 91.83 pc (299.55 l.y.)
12h 20m 41.37s +27° 03' 16.4" P.A. 245.00 sep 9.0 mag 7.04,7.13 Sp F3V+F3V dist. 91.83 pc (299.55 l.y.)
M53: Appears as a round haze, no stars resolved, really looks like a comet's halo, like Messier probably saw it.
STF 1854 AB: 80; 94x: B is widely separated but with averted vision
14h 29m 49.66s +31° 47' 28.2" P.A. 256.00 sep 26.1 mag 6.05,10.62 Sp A0Vs dist. 110.13 pc (359.24 l.y.)
STFA 27 AB: 80; 94x: Delta Boo. Wide, large delta mag B, a 76,000-period pair!
15h 15m 30.16s +33° 18' 53.4" P.A. 78.00 sep 105.0 mag 3.56,7.89 Sp G8IIICN-1 dist. 37.34 pc (121.8 l.y.)
STFA 28 AB: 80; 94x: Alkalurops Bright yellow-white A and bluish B, which is itself a slightly unequal close double, finely split (STF 1938 Ba,Bb) -- 256.5-year period, now coming off apastron.
15h 24m 29.54s +37° 22' 37.1" P.A. 172.00 sep 109.0 mag 4.33,7.09 Sp F2IVa+G0V dist. 34.69 pc (113.16 l.y.)
15h 24m 30.89s +37° 20' 52.5" P.A. 2.10 sep 2.2 mag 7.09,7.63 Sp G0V dist. 36.06 pc (117.63 l.y.)
15h 24m 30.89s +37° 20' 52.5" P.A. 2.10 sep 2.2 mag 7.09,7.63 Sp G0V dist. 36.06 pc (117.63 l.y.)
14h 16m 32.84s +20° 07' 18.7" P.A. 152.90 sep 4.4 mag 6.47,8.42 Sp F6V dist. 32.63 pc (106.44 l.y.)
STF 1864 AB: 80; 94x: White stars, 1 delta mag, nicely split.
14h 40m 43.56s +16° 25' 05.9" P.A. 113.00 sep 5.4 mag 4.88,5.79 Sp B9pMnHg dist. 93.72 pc (305.71 l.y.)
STF 1888 AB: 80; 94: Yellow A and orange B, 2 delta mag, nice. Only 22 light years distant, it is physical with a 298-year period, and will tighten the next 30 years.
14h 51m 23.38s +19° 06' 01.7" P.A. 297.00 sep 5.3 mag 4.76,6.95 Sp G8V+K5V dist. 6.71 pc (21.89 l.y.)
15h 12m 43.48s +19° 17' 09.8" P.A. 11.00 sep 23.4 mag 6.71,7.38 Sp G1V+G5V dist. 27.24 pc (88.86 l.y.)
STF 1884 AB: 80; 94x: More difficult than nearby Izar. Extremely fine, 1 delta mag, notched, to overlapping disks at best moments. Physical with a 1398.2859-year period, it has a nearly edge-on orbit and is currently at the shorter of the two furthest reaches of its orbit.
14h 48m 23.37s +24° 22' 01.0" P.A. 54.40 sep 2.1 mag 6.58,7.48 Sp F8IV-V dist. 84.67 pc (276.19 l.y.)
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