The taller column is about 6-inches too tall, but I plan to use it anyway. I need to stand on a ladder to reach the eyepiece for low altitude objects like the planets. Seeing was middling but the view was good at 140x. I looked at Jupiter and then Saturn -- there was a deep black shadow of the planet falling on the ring. Contrast is very good. I then pointed up to Altair to begin star hopping for various doubles, which I do by moving the hand controller -- a bit slow, but it works. Toward 11pm the marine layer was moving in so I had a look at the moon, just past full, and really pleased with the view.
Here are the doubles observed:
STF 2570 AB-C: 152; 285x: Easily split, white A and much fainter ruddy B. [Did not see AB, which is near equal mag. 0.2", which I could get with the 20-inch on a good night.
19H 44M 56.78S +10° 46' 30.6" P.A. 277 SEP 4.3 MAG 7.62,9.81 SP B3IV-V DIST. 170.94 PC (557.61 L.Y.)
STF 2583 AB: 152; 285x: Pi Aql. Very pretty near equal light blue stars, cleanly separated
19H 48M 42.05S +11° 48' 57.3" P.A. 106 SEP 1.4 MAG 6.34,6.75 SP A3V+F9III DIST. 157.73 PC (514.52 L.Y.)
BU 266 AB: 152; 285x: Pale white star with with a wide, much fainter ~4 delta mag blue companion
19H 57M 56.15S +11° 24' 53.0" P.A. 166 SEP 15.8 MAG 7.57,11.50 SP A3 DIST. 198.41 PC (647.21 L.Y.)
STF 2613 AB: 152; 285x: White, ~1 delta mag, nice wide split.
20H 01M 26.66S +10° 44' 54.8" P.A. 352.1 SEP 4.14 MAG 7.48,8.02 SP F5V+F5V DIST. 80.58 PC (262.85 L.Y.)
BU 488 AB: 152; 456x: Suspect elongation at 285x, notched and possibly split at 456x at best moments, noticeable magnitude difference. [Solar type double with F giant.]
20H 06M 43.37S +12° 56' 12.1" P.A. 356 SEP 0.8 MAG 7.55,9.13 SP F4III
STF 2664 AB: 152; 285x: Wide, white, slight magnitude difference.
20H 19M 38.48S +13° 00' 17.2" P.A. 321 SEP 27.1 MAG 8.07,8.34 SP K0 DIST. 409.84 PC (1336.9 L.Y.)
STF 2665 A-BC: 152; 285x: Wide, white, near equal, one of these has a close faint blue pair
20H 19M 21.16S +14° 22' 14.6" P.A. 12 SEP 3.3 MAG 6.88,9.55 SP KIII+BV+ DIST. 167.79 PC (547.33 L.Y.)
STF 2727 AB 152; 285x: Gam 2 Del. ! Most beautiful light orange-yellow A and ~1 delta mag blue-green B.
20H 46M 39.50S +16° 07' 27.4" P.A. 264.8 SEP 8.9 MAG 4.36,5.03 SP K1IV+F7V DIST. 38.73 PC (126.34 L.Y.)
STF 2725 AB: 152; 285x: OR Del. Near equal, pale orange A and blue B
20H 46M 13.31S +15° 54' 26.4" P.A. 11.9 SEP 6.16 MAG 7.54,8.20 SP K0 DIST. 36.46 PC (118.93 L.Y.)
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