STF 1202: Nice yellow-orange and 3 delta mag, B, same color, ~5-7"
08h 13m 34.20s +10° 50' 49.7" P.A. 305 sep 2.7 mag 7.37,9.61 Sp F7V dist. 77.28 pc (252.09 l.y.)
Lep 30: Light orange with faint white star of ~11th magnitude, wide separation
08h 15m 33.20s +11° 25' 51.5" P.A. 239 sep 31.8 mag 7.71,9.75 Sp G5 dist. 38.57 pc (125.82 l.y.)
Ho 349: Light orange star and extremely faint B star, a fuzz at the edge of visibility in the correct position angle, ~10" separation [AB seen. AC 13th mag and very much wider 61"]
08h 02m 32.77s +12° 27' 08.1" P.A. 227 sep 10.3 mag 7.67,12.00 Sp K0 dist. 305.81 pc (997.55 l.y.)
BU 581: Light orange near equal, very small, elongated to notched. [AB seen. 7 star system with AB in the middle of each pairing]
08h 04m 23.10s +12° 17' 23.8" P.A. 229.5 sep 0.41 mag 8.46,8.83 Sp K0V dist. 33.2 pc (108.3 l.y.)
STF 1196: 2+1. The +1 star is not quite round, oval/olive shaped. The other two make a nice tight pair. They are all nearly the same magnitude, white & brilliant. [AB is the two close, and AB,C is the 2+1. C is also HUT 1 6.20/7.10, 0.4" -- which I noticed as olive. Ca,Cc is OCC9141, 0.1" separation!]
08h 12m 12.79s +17° 38' 51.2" P.A. 8.4 sep 1.14 mag 5.30,6.25 Sp F8V dist. 25.08 pc (81.81 l.y.)
Gamma Cnc: A star not quite round; bright white olive. [No sign of this having a close pair.]
Iota Cnc / STF 1268: Finder split, beautiful yellow and blue. Scope view real nice. Very good diffraction and airy disks.
08h 46m 41.82s +28° 45' 35.6" P.A. 308 sep 31.3 mag 4.13,5.99 Sp G7.5IIIa dist. 101.52 pc (331.16 l.y.)Cbl 32: Dull orange with fairly faint 10.5 mag B, wide separation
08h 46m 14.32s +27° 35' 41.3" P.A. 174 sep 41 mag 7.39,10.66 Sp K1IV dist. 99.4 pc (324.24 l.y.)
STTA 97: Finder split, near equal white.
09h 08m 27.16s +27° 32' 35.3" P.A. 238 sep 51.8 mag 8.30,8.31 Sp G0V dist. 42.57 pc (138.86 l.y.)
STF 3132: I nearly didn't bother this one since I was intending to star hop to Kappa Leonis; saw this on the atlas and decided to stop by; it turned out to be a highlight of the night. Near equal orange with hairline split !! [Stelle Doppie results confusing, show a wider pair; did I look at the correct star?]
19h 28m 12.76s +20° 12' 59.6" P.A. 39 sep 7.8 mag 10.10,11.80 Sp G5
BU 105: Very faint star mixed up in bright, dancing diffraction, though K's star disk is steady. [Nothing seen; the BU is a widely separated star.]
NGC 2903: Elongated, extremely faint smear in the finder, scope a long difference in grey scale. Two stars involved in the halo.
STT 204: Not sure I have the correct map -- nothing at the location, no 6th mag star nearby and no double.
BUP 128: didn't try, 282" separation, not my thing.
STF 1399: Faint, tough find. 1 delta magnitude, wide separation.
09h 57m 02.21s +19° 45' 44.6" P.A. 176 sep 30.2 mag 7.65,8.36 Sp G0 dist. 41.77 pc (136.25 l.y.)
STF 1353: Well separated near equal 9th magnitude white stars, ~4"
09h 27m 39.28s +15° 44' 32.0" P.A. 125 sep 3.3 mag 9.91,9.98 Sp G5 dist. 96.06 pc (313.35 l.y.)
H V 58: Finder split, wide, white, 2 delta mag.
STT 204 / Wal 56: Hard white A with B a haze, sharpened to point with averted vision. Well separated, 3 delta mag. Is B also a matched, close faint pair? I sense another star next to it... [STT 204 is what I saw; Wal 56 is a wide separated pair from this; there is no companion to STT 204B.]
09h 38m 45.69s +10° 46' 39.8" P.A. 81 sep 85.7 mag 6.70,10.65 Sp A5III-IV dist. 94.34 pc (307.74 l.y.)
Sh 107: A not quite round. A light orange, 3 delta mag white, well separated point.
09h 31m 57.58s +09° 42' 56.8" P.A. 75 sep 37.1 mag 5.22,9.30 Sp K3III dist. 153.14 pc (499.54 l.y.)
STF 1356: Very close but clean split, in each other's diffraction, half delta mag, white.
09h 28m 27.41s +09° 03' 24.4" P.A. 113.6 sep 0.87 mag 5.69,7.28 Sp F9IV dist. 33.17 pc (108.2 l.y.)
H IV 47: Orange star with well separated white B, 2 delta mag.
HN 29: Very wide, very faint B. Meh.
STF 1360: Unremarkable wide separation 8th mag stars. [2 more in system, but still...]
09h 30m 35.95s +10° 36' 06.4" P.A. 242 sep 13.8 mag 8.95,8.86 Sp G5 dist. 18.87 pc (61.55 l.y.)
STF 1364: Unremarkable wide separation faint stars.'
09h 32m 01.52s +20° 02' 49.3" P.A. 155 sep 16.4 mag 8.59,9.74 Sp F5 dist. 102.99 pc (335.95 l.y.)
Gamma Leonis: Bright yellow and yellow-white, 1 delta mag.
STF 1417: Faint, close, but well split pair, 3", B resolves better with averted vision.
10h 15m 08.60s +19° 07' 27.3" P.A. 77 sep 2.4 mag 9.24,9.31 Sp F2 dist. 235.29 pc (767.52 l.y.)
STF 1426: Could not find! Frustrating since it's a nice challenge pair, faint and <1"
10h 20m 32.32s +06° 25' 47.6" P.A. 313.7 sep 0.91 mag 7.99,8.30 Sp F5 dist. 149.7 pc (488.32 l.y.)
STT 523: Unremarkable star with wide, very faint B.
10h 17m 14.53s +23° 06' 22.3" P.A. 300 sep 7.9 mag 5.80,11.30 Sp F6V+M1.5 dist. 22.81 pc (74.41 l.y.)
STF 1429: Very tough. Faint to start, need averted vision to brighten and sharpen. Elongated to clean split in the best moments with seeing, near equal.
10h 25m 01.79s +24° 36' 44.1" P.A. 154.4 sep 0.78 mag 9.05,9.34 Sp G0V dist. 67.48 pc (220.12 l.y.)
STF 1468: Faint near equal, close but a nice split.
10h 44m 39.96s +20° 42' 18.5" P.A. 334 sep 4.3 mag 9.68,9.65 Sp G0 dist. 104.49 pc (340.85 l.y.)
STF 1451: B too faint, did not try [Not sure about this comment, it should not have been too faint to try -- maybe an incorrect comment on my chart]
10h 35m 24.86s +26° 16' 09.7" P.A. 271 sep 8.5 mag 9.81,12.17 Sp G5
STF 1423: Tough! Elongated to hairline split. Is B with nearby star? [Not a triple]
10h 19m 10.64s +20° 33' 48.1" P.A. 302.6 sep 0.6 mag 9.40,10.08 Sp K0 dist. 58.79 pc (191.77 l.y.)
STF 1421: Not difficult, 1 delta mag, 5" or so. Bluish.
10h 18m 05.54s +27° 31' 27.9" P.A. 330 sep 4.6 mag 8.19,9.12 Sp F2 dist. 429.18 pc (1399.99 l.y.)
45 Leonis, HJ 832: Finder, wide split, bright and faint star. [Not sure about this one since B is 12th mag -- might have noticed wrong star...
10h 27m 38.99s +09° 45' 44.7" P.A. 121 sep 34.3 mag 6.00,12.41 Sp A0pSiCr: dist. 129.2 pc (421.45 l.y.)
STF 1446: Two faint stars, pretty well separated, 1 delta mag.
10h 33m 33.32s +15° 12' 49.6" P.A. 250 sep 5.6 mag 9.29,10.03 Sp G0 dist. 128.7 pc (419.82 l.y.)
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