Last night with Big Blue, for a quiet evening. Seeing not very good, some haze, but good all the same. It was dusk past 9:30, so I started out on bright Venus, then moved on to some other bright stars:
Venus: Still dusk. Looks like a ball half stuck in mud. 170x & apodizing mask.
Porrima = STF 1670: Very pretty yellow-white, near equal; close split at 170x. Star disks improved with apodizing mask. [AB seen; sextuple system, lots there, most very wide.]
12H 41M 39.60S -01° 26' 57.9" P.A. 2 SEP 2.55 MAG 3.48,3.53 SP F0V+F0V DIST. 11.68 PC (38.1 L.Y.)
Gemini was standing upright on the western horizon, with Venus like a bright ball Pollux was dribbling...
Hu 740: Near Spica. 7th & 11th 3" -- too faint to see, still dusk. Try again with the 20-inch
13H 19M 44.11S -11° 40' 22.7" P.A. 274 SEP 3.6 MAG 7.31,11.35 SP A2 DIST. 245.1 PC (799.52 L.Y.)
BU 932: 0.4" -- seemed out of round with apodizing mask; should go back with the 20-inch [a trend here...]
13H 34M 40.48S -13° 12' 51.5" P.A. 66.1 SEP 0.42 MAG 6.30,7.29 SP A0V DIST. 148.15 PC (483.27 L.Y.)
BU 935 = 86 Vir: Pretty orange star but @ 553x seeing wont allow split of 3 delta mag, 1.2" B. 27" away is equal 11th mag CD pair which I see as a grey smudge but can't resolve. Need to go back with the 20-inch.
13H 45M 56.33S -12° 25' 35.6" P.A. 306 SEP 1.2 MAG 5.66,8.47 SP G8III DIST. 124.69 PC (406.74 L.Y.)
BU 114: ! Nice near equal, slightly yellow white stars, ~10th mag. In finder it is shown with another widely separated equal pair.
13H 34M 17.72S -08° 37' 07.4" P.A. 173 SEP 1.4 MAG 8.05,8.18 SP F8V
STF 1763 = 81 Vir: near equal orange stars, ~3", 9th mag. Nice!
13H 37M 35.30S -07° 52' 16.6" P.A. 39 SEP 2.8 MAG 7.79,8.08 SP K0III DIST. 195.69 PC (638.34 L.Y.)
STF 1750 = 72 Vir: Wide split, yellow-white A and ~10th mag B, 3 delta mag.
13H 30M 25.72S -06° 28' 13.0" P.A. 17 SEP 30 MAG 6.14,10.74 SP F2V DIST. 53.22 PC (173.6 L.Y.)
STF 1755: Orange and blue, wide, 2 delta mag
13H 32M 21.99S +36° 49' 05.6" P.A. 130 SEP 4.2 MAG 7.34,8.10 SP G5III DIST. 206.61 PC (673.96 L.Y.)
STF 1757: Orange-yellow, half a delta mag, pretty; ~1.5"
13H 34M 16.38S -00° 18' 49.8" P.A. 140.8 SEP 1.72 MAG 7.82,8.75 SP K4III DIST. 26.56 PC (86.64 L.Y.)
Jupiter: 32mm plossls in binoviewer on high power mode (173x). GRS nearing the end of its transit; with the SEB curving upward on the opposite limb. A dark brow in the southern cap, along with a couple white gaps; the cap boarder was curved. The NEB had a narrowing of its band on the same limb edge where the SEB bent upward -- strange. There was a shadow transit on going, though the shadow was not crisp, small -- I guess Io.
So ended a very pleasant night.
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