Monday, May 28, 2018

Ho 50 mystery

I've become a little perplexed about Ho 50, which I've observed two times now over the last couple of weeks, each time failing to see an 8th magnitude B only 3" from the 6th mag A.  So I was out again last night to have a go at it and some others.  Seeing was ok 7/10, transparency 3/5 with some haze.  All with big blue at 553x.

UC 2059: Pretty well separated, 1.5 delta mag, not remarkable as I hoped given the odd designation. [AB seen.  I should give it another chance in dark skies; HSD1574 Aa,Ab is 0.2" and 11.06; Cou 1422 Ba,Bb is 0.6 and nearly matched 11th mag with it's pair...]
11H 01M 45.73S +36° 40' 41.6" P.A. 46 SEP 45.3 MAG 7.49,10.70 SP F0 DIST. 74.74 PC (243.8 L.Y.)

Skf 59: Orange-yellow star with very wide separated very faint B, need averted vision.
10H 54M 44.78S +36° 45' 31.7" P.A. 59 SEP 34.1 MAG 7.44,11.50 SP F2V DIST. 98.62 PC (321.7 L.Y.)

Ho 50: Tried again and can't see B.  553x, good disk with momentary perfection.  Turned off drive to see where west and north were, checked north with averted vision, no.  6mm ortho with occulting bar -- still no.  B must be variable?
11H 13M 40.09S +41° 05' 19.8" P.A. 35 SEP 3 MAG 6.47,8.36 SP K2III DIST. 114.03 PC (371.97 L.Y.)

Arg 101: White star 8th mag, with very faint 2 delta mag very wide B.
11H 51M 09.51S +33° 22' 30.0" P.A. 274 SEP 46.2 MAG 6.27,9.28 SP AM DIST. 65.49 PC (213.63 L.Y.)

HU 729: White star resolves to disk with seeing, but B not there.  Apodizing--no.  Tougher test than Ho 50; need to try on a moonless night.
11H 47M 50.02S +49° 49' 22.7" P.A. 348 SEP 1.6 MAG 7.14,10.89 SP A2V DIST. 147.93 PC (482.55 L.Y.)

STT 243: ! Super tight split ~1", faint, white, 1 delta mag.  M109 is nearby just in of FOV; this pair just beneath its core [I thought a greyscale change I was seeing was the galaxy, but M109 is too far to be in the FOV.]
11H 59M 48.70S +53° 23' 52.1" P.A. 8 SEP 1.1 MAG 9.08,9.67 SP F8 DIST. 342.47 PC (1117.14 L.Y.)

STF 1630: ~2", half a delta mag, faint pair, nice. 
12H 18M 53.81S +56° 22' 06.0" P.A. 169 SEP 2.4 MAG 9.50,10.26 SP G0 DIST. 105.71 PC (344.83 L.Y.)

STT 249: @738x very slightly notched elongation / overlapped disks.  Tough to set focus and the FOV is very tiny.  [AB,C is 12th mag 13"]
12H 23M 50.80S +54° 09' 30.5" P.A. 257 SEP 0.4 MAG 8.21,9.18 SP G5 DIST. 436.68 PC (1424.45 L.Y.)

HU 1136: Tried real hard, up to 885x, but can't say I have it.  Thought I had a condensation in the diffraction when seeing settled but not consistent and not a point.  While A is the same mag as Ho 50 A it seems brighter -- maybe H0 50 really is variable.
12H 05M 39.70S +62° 55' 59.3" P.A. 217 SEP 1.9 MAG 6.27,10.24 SP K1III-IV DIST. 117.92 PC (384.66 L.Y.)

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